Well it has been an interesting few day. Owen has been a bit bummed by my lack of energy as I battle a cold. I'm guessing he doesn't understand why I get to "bark" and he is told to be quiet. At least he isn't barking at me when I cough now. That was not going to work out. I'm a pretty boring person right now.. I'm trying to play fetch but when he stops coming to me I'm not going after the toy. However, he finds ways to entertain himself until Matt gets home - like steal tissue and tear apart subscription cards. I'm not as fast as normal - what can I say. I come back from the bathroom or something and find he is tall enough to get his head on the coffee table and steal tissues and shred them apart. Disgusting.

When I ventured to fred meyer's today, I picked up a new hedgehog toy for Owen (as the last one was very badly wounded and had to be thrown away). In 1.5 hrs Owen took out both legs of the little hedge- I believe a new record. But then again, he is frustrated with me. No trips to the park, no long Monday walk, and much more TV and magazine reading. It is hard for a little pup to understand. I know Matt will give him a good walk tonight, perhaps the Taco Bell challenge.. meaning they walk to Taco Bell and back.. but no taco bell is consumed- I hope.

With Owen's frustration with me for the last few days, he has also become quite the toe biter. What is that? He's just been after them and no bite isn't working quick enough for my taste.. Any suggestions. I *love* his phases. Fortunately for him they haven't lasted more than a few weeks. At least he is still cuddly... even if it means he wants to lay so that his head fits across my neck :)

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 10, 2008 at 9:53pm
Owen's Mom, I'm fighting an icky cold too. No walkies for my pups until I feel better. Thank goodness they don't bark when I cough!

I hope you feel better soon!

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