I was wondering if peanut butter was an acquired taste--if some dogs eventually grow to like it, or if a dog won't eat it as a puppy they probably never will? My Stella will eat ANYTHING---any type of dog food, meat, veggies (even peas!) and non-food--dirt, rocks, wood, bugs and even plastic! But she REFUSES peanut butter!! I've tried a few times now, and with different kinds-natural, other, sweeter name brands, and the dog-marketed stuff, and she has turned it all down. Does anyone have a peanut butter-hating corgi? Or one that didn't like it as a puppy and now does? Just wondering,...


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Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 22, 2009 at 10:49am
Yeah, I was thinking that she might be allergic to it. I just wish that all of the other random trash that she picks up on our walks would instinctively smell bad to her, too! I wasn't even thinking about the calories, like you mentioned, Beth. So far, she doesn't have a weight problem--but she's a puppy and growing so fast! But when she's older it will probably be a good thing. She's like those people who "just don't like chocolate" :) I wish that I were one!

Oh, and Dez, she not only ate EXTRA peas with her breakfast this morning--she ate the ones my roommate's dog didn't want!
Comment by Stanley & Charlotte on July 21, 2009 at 3:54pm
Yeah, Stanley actually didn't seem that fond of peanut butter as a puppy. But now he seems to like it just fine! Though I still don't think he likes it as much yogurt or liver paste.
Comment by Beth on July 21, 2009 at 2:00pm
Jack loves it, but I wouldn't force the issue. Perhaps she has an intolerance and instinctively it smells bad to her.

I wouldn't worry too much, since PB is a good treat for a growing puppy, but has an awful lot of calories for many Corgis who are watching their figures! LOL. Check out the label; two tablespoons of PB has nearly as many calories as Jack gets in a whole day from his dog food....
Comment by Dez Hunter on July 21, 2009 at 1:51pm
Oh no! I have never heard of that, and I would be curious to hear more about that. Dexter LOVES peanut butter. I put a little bit in that KONG thing I got him before I leave him in his crate for an extended period of time, and he loves his all natural peanut butter dog treats. O_o; Interesting.

... peas? Yuck! hahahaha!

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