Portable Carrier -JR says I think not!!!

My husband and I have a RV which our two babies LOVE. We recently purchased a nylon carrier with the zippers in the front for our big boy to hang out in when they are in the RV alone (needless to say he jumps and barks a great deal when we are not around..some RVers in adjoing spaces have been quite entertained). Much to our dismay the first go in the carrier JR got out. I had said to my husband I felt that he would likely chew his way out but much to my surprise, he must be able to work zippers,---he got out without a scar to the carrier or himself. These pooches are just tooooo smart. Contemplating our next move-a hard side carrier is just to space consuming. Open to sugesstions..^-^

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on October 2, 2010 at 4:51pm
Rafa is a challenge...that's for sure. But, I love him. When he's not in his mission destruction mode, he's an absolutely engaging and adorable baby.
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on October 2, 2010 at 4:24pm
That is too funny about the zipper. I know Rafa tries to jump and open door knobs. He's still a baby, so I have no doubt that any day now, he'll succeed.
Comment by Carolyn, Silas & Barnaby on February 13, 2010 at 6:11pm
These stories are priceless! I am still laughing!
(My vote is for a wire crate; it’s not too bad to break it down and store it flat/upright.)
Comment by John Wolff on June 26, 2009 at 12:22pm
Ha. You thought your dog is smart? We've used that nylon carrier many times and NEVER caught Gwynn escaping. She must've been getting out, enjoying her escapes, then going back in and reclosing the zipper without us ever noticing! Fooled us again.
Comment by Boo Buchheit on June 26, 2009 at 8:28am
I would think a wire crate would be the only way, and even then they can escape (mine do).
Comment by Bev Levy on June 26, 2009 at 7:36am
Undoing the zipper was probably a lot more fun than a kong! We came home one evening to find it had snowed couch stuffing! After my initial panic, I realized that Izzy had opened it up by the zipper. Did not tear it at all. She would probably love a nylon crate. We close the blinds and leave a radio on in our RV so they don't bark.
Comment by Nancy Geddes on June 26, 2009 at 6:56am
Ha, ha! Gotcha! When fluffy Linus was a pup, he had a stiff nylon crate in the bedroom and early one morning, while making coffee, he appeared at my feet in the kitchen. A little later, while I hid in the closet, I watched him pawing at the backside of the zipper, moving the zipper foot just enough to insert his muzzle and then, with his nose, running the zipper down the track and stepping out of his crate. Well, I thought I'd get him by anchoring this zipper with a catch at the top of the crate - only to find Linus again, at my side. This time, he had unraveled the stitching running parallel to the zipper track and joyfully bounded out into the kitchen. That corgi pup was always two steps ahead of me!!!
Comment by Carmen on June 25, 2009 at 11:08pm
Hehe.. my Trunks did the same thing. We got some nylon crates to keep the dogs in while they were staying at my parents. My mom and dad woke up to a black cardigan at the end of their bed asking for breakfast the next morning. Pandora was quite miffed for being left behind in her crate. Guess Trunks didn't show her the trick.

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