I hope everyone had happy holidays!

As of late, Jack has been very, very aggressive towards his 'sister'. I'm talking about knock down, drag out fights! She can just look at him funny, and he snarls up like a small fluffy rat. We've tried everything from spanking with a rolled up newspaper, to locking him in his room for a time out. It gets even worse when his 'sister' gets near me, he just gets crazy. I've had to pull them apart several times in just the last two days! Jack even took a chunk out of my arm when I was trying to yank him off his 'sisters' face. D:

Is there something that can be done to correct this behavior? Or is he just over possessive of me? We haven't had him fixed yet, perhaps that will help? I need some advice! This is getting out of hand, I'm afraid someone is going to get hurt, and it's probably going to be me. Ha ha.

On another note, Jack is a great cockroach hunter, and killer! He snagged one that interrupted out gift opening on Christmas Eve. :)

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on December 29, 2008 at 10:58pm
aw. i feel your pain. since winston moved in with my boyfriend and his family (temporary, since my parents never really wanted a dog...) their dog samson (a great pyrenees) has turned winston somewhat.. evil. sam used to give winston a hard time for stealing his rawhides.. he would growl and act like he was going to attack but i think sam knows that winston is no threat.. well now winston flips out all the time and will growl and snarl and look really vicious and it's scary :( he's even done it to other dogs. i'm afraid i won't be able to get another corgi when i move out but he seems to only do it to samson.. or younger dogs. it's weird.
Comment by Mister Jack on December 29, 2008 at 1:12pm

Jack is eight months old. His sister, Kujo, is an American Foxhound, and eight years old. Is it possible she is instigating all this because she wants him to get into trouble? She was an only dog for seven years, then we brought in Jack. Both are quite possessive. Thank you for the advice! I'll try the time outs for both of them.

Arlene & Perry,

I'll have to try the chicken idea. Both of them love food, but unfortunately, they're both food aggressive. So, if one gets something, they growl and fight. So, I'm not sure that will do the trick, but it's worth a try! Thank you!
Comment by A & P on December 29, 2008 at 12:00pm
I watch a lot of "Me or my Dog" on Animal Planet and I have learned that using food as an aid to get dogs to understand that there is a reward for "good" behavior. Try boil white chicken (you can add garlic powder but no salt or pepper & it is best to do this while they are hungry) and bring the more aggressive one in and use firm voice correction as necessary and if he behaves, give him a small piece of chicken. This way he willing associate good things when he sees his sister and the reversal as well. Having someone around to help is a good idea when dealing with two dogs. I used a personal dog trainer and food reward is always helpful in correcting unacceptable behavior and most dgo trainers will be willing to work with you on a short term agreement. It may appear to be expensive but a good behaved dog is worth it to correct any aggressive behavior. Good luck!

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