Prayers for Dexter (not a corgi, but cousin to Noodles)--UPDATE

My brother and sister-in-law and their Mal-Shi, Dexter, could use some prayers. Dex had surgery yesterday to remove 3 lumps and per my sister-in-law, the 1 they looked at yesterday looks abnormal, so they are thinking cancer. They have to wait 2-7 days before they find out for sure and what kind, but I know they all could use your prayers. Below are the pictures of Dex after his surgery. They all had a rough night last night and no one slept. Dex is in a lot of pain. I know this breaks their hearts and all of our hearts because we all love Dexter. Noodles loves playing with his cousin Dex. I just don't know what words to say to them right now. Thank you for thinking about them all.


Update 3/8/2013: Dexter's "Nanna" got him a softer cone and his vet gave him better pain medicine. He slept a bit better last night, but still cries from time to time. He prefers no cone on, so they take it off and watch him closely to make sure he doesn't bother his stitches. No word yet on the results. Thank you all for thing of them and praying for them.


Update 3/11/2013: I received word from my sister-in-law that Dexter doesn't have cancer (whew!), but his vet isn't quite sure what is going on with his little body. The vet suggested possibly a fungal infection or baceterial infection. They will continue testing the lumps they removed to try and figure out what is going on with his little body. What a relief for us all. Dex also had his drainage tubes removed today. Thank you all for caring and praying for Dex and his family.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 8, 2013 at 2:16pm

Allison, so sorry to hear this, prayers for the family and Dexter.  Hugs

Comment by Sam Tsang on March 8, 2013 at 7:37am

So sorry to hear that, prayers for all.

Comment by Linda Masters on March 7, 2013 at 9:14pm

Prayers to you Dexter from all you corgi friends.

Comment by Linda on March 7, 2013 at 7:17pm

My heart goes out to Dexter and his people.  Many good thoughts that it will come back clear.  Please keep us posted. 

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on March 7, 2013 at 4:34pm

I am so sorry for them!  It is so hard to have a loved one sick.  The poor little guy, he does look miserable.  I will say a prayer for all of them!

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