This past Saturday was the 5th annual corgi walk in the Pearl. We had a wonderful time and a rough count estimates there were 255 corgi's. Can you imagine seeing all of them in one place? It was fun and we literally stopped traffic, brought people out of stores and their homes in order to see our group. One of the funniest comments was a lady who just walked out of the store and saw us and exclaimed "it's the corgi walk. This is the best day of the year!" She then promptly bent down to pet all the corgi's walking past her. Below are some pictures my husband took.


(and of course I had to include a picture of my baby, Noodles, sporting his new bandana.)

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Comment by Lynde Paule on September 5, 2012 at 12:50am

These are terrific photos!  Thanks for writing this up.


Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 24, 2012 at 12:47am

Love the pics, how fun you all get together for a parade!!!  of course you had to include a pic of Noodles...  :)

Comment by Kathy Losacco on August 23, 2012 at 6:47pm

I wanted to do this but unfortunately had a family wedding to attend so couldn't make it this year.  Hopefully, we will be able to attend next year.  Looks like a fun time.

Comment by Emily & Scout on August 23, 2012 at 7:20am

So much fun!  I missed out on the Midwest corgi meetup, but am looking forward to any one in the future so I can join in!

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