we are adding a puppy, and our first corgi, to our family soon.i am looking for any advice. what did you do that helped? what do you wish you had done? or done differently? what items (other than the obvious) did you get that made life easier?  thank  you everyone for your insight!



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Comment by Beth on November 20, 2011 at 5:26pm
And if you say to yourself "I'm only running upstairs for a minute. I'll leave the puppy loose in the kitchen. What can he possibly hurt in a minute?" you may find, as I did, that it takes a puppy a surprisingly short time to eat a hunk if your windowsill.

Don't leave pup loose and unsupervised for any amount of time. Ten seconds is ten seconds too long.
Comment by Beth on November 20, 2011 at 5:22pm
I could not have survived Jack's puppyhood without an x-pen!!!
Comment by candice sanchez on November 20, 2011 at 5:20pm

i made sure when i sent our deposit check, i also send an old baby blanket, and a heart beat pillow. that way they had our scents on them, but with him still with his mom and litter mates it gets their scent on them. the baby blanket i intend on turning into a "rice warming pillow" so i can stick it in the microwave to warm up for him to sleep with the first few nights, it will b warm and smell like his family. i figured that would make the transition a bit easier on him. my big thing is i dont know how to "discipline" a dog. so if he does something i dont agree with, how do i stop that behavior?

Comment by Jane Christensen on November 20, 2011 at 5:15pm

My 1st suggestion is get a couple old tshirts or towels and make sure you bring the scents of mom dad and other babes home on those towels so he can still smell them. Crate right from the start and gently begin the training right away.When he comes up to you gently help him sit so that he learns this is how it works, the faster he learns the rules(according to his age of coarse....the easier it will be. Make it fun and enjoy!

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on November 20, 2011 at 4:39pm

I have two dogs.  My very first solo dog (my family had one growing up, but having one on your own is very different) is Yuki.  He's an American  Eskimo Dog that we bought from a local breeder.  He is not crate trained.  Ellie is our newest (and my very first corgi) and she is crate trained.  What a huge difference.  If I had it to do all over again, knowing what I know now, I would have crate trained Yuki.  He has never been the type to get into trouble, and even at 4 months old didn't chew anything other than his toys, but it would have made housebreaking so much easier!  So yeah, I recommend crate training even if you don't plan on using the crate later in your pup's life.  Any time you cannot closely supervise your pup, pop him into his crate so that he doesn't get himself into trouble.  ;)


Also, since you have at least one little one around the house, be prepared to handle any play biting/nipping.  It will inevitably happen, so don't be surprised.  Do not allow play biting or nipping of any kind, especially not with your child(ren).  Gently correct and redirect to a toy that he is allowed to chew on and he should soon learn that children aren't toys!  :)


Oh, and invest in some good chew toys.  Kongs are great, and so are deer/elk/moose antler pieces.  You may end up having a pup that isn't a big chewer, but my observations are that corgis will generally chew through just about anything.


Lastly, enjoy him!  Snuggle him, play with him, teach him tricks and take him for lots of walks!  As a herding breed he'll need lots of exercise and mental stimulation, but corgis are also family dogs.  They love their people and he will probably want to spend every second with you!

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