my husband and i are anxiously awaiting our first corgi. but he is upset because "he dosnt look red" and he really wanted a  red corgi. well our puppy is only 3 weeks old, and I know that they look more brown than red at that age. but i was wondering if anyone had a photo of their pup at a young age, and one of once their full color came in.  he is concerned our boy will be sable instead of red. i personally dont care, but he has had a "dream" of one day owning a corgi and has some very specific requirements. thank you!!!!

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Comment by candice sanchez on November 20, 2011 at 9:04am

oh wow!!! thank you! that actually helped out a lot! btw, the pic of yours laying down is SUPER cute!

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on November 20, 2011 at 8:54am

I know I'm a bit late to this, but here are some pictures of my Ellie-girl to show coat change.  :)




And here she is by the time we brought her home at 9 weeks (in full-on pooped-out puppy mode):



There are lots more pictures on my page if you want to look at them.  Yours looks like he may retain some of that sable-ish color, but I don't think it would be much if any at all.  He may just be a bit slower than the others at coming into his coat.  :)  No matter what, though, he's positively adorable!

Comment by candice sanchez on November 20, 2011 at 6:10am

  we think he will be more sable now. but i am happy with it, he is cute and funny and thats the important part!

Comment by candice sanchez on November 17, 2011 at 6:15pm

thank you for all the help!!!! the light bulb finally clicked for my husband and now he is convinced our pup is a red. lol not that i havent told him 100 times already!!!


Comment by Jane on November 17, 2011 at 10:08am

Here is Henry, I think he was maybe 6 weeks in these photos? I can't recall for sure.



~2 years old

Usually a true sable will have a "monks cap" on their head which I don't see on your pup, but he could still have some sable areas as he gets older. Hard to tell at that age.

Comment by Jane Christensen on November 17, 2011 at 12:23am

I'm not home to send a pic but if you go to my pics and hit all photos you will find a pic called bonding time and these pups all have a bit of black and all are red/white now. It's on page 11  or12.

Comment by Ace and Jen on November 16, 2011 at 9:30pm
you can look under my photos i have some of ace from i think2-3 weeks of age.. i thought he was gonna be tri or sable but he turned out very Red :D matches my cousins hair XD;
Comment by candice sanchez on November 16, 2011 at 8:23pm
:). I am trying to explain that to my husband. But he is a visual person. That's why I want to show him photos of puppies when they were darker, and then the same dog later in life once they changed. He dosnt quite believe the change part. I love him, but I think all this time depolyed has burnt out his imagination :)
Comment by Beth on November 16, 2011 at 8:08pm

When I saw puppy pictures from my breeder, I thought that most of them looked like tri-colors, they were so dark!  Turns out only one was a tri and the rest red.   Be forewarned, though, that it can sometimes be tough for even an experienced breeder to say with absolute certainty which shade of red the pup will be when it matures.  The red pups do start out with a coating of black and gray hairs, and I don't know that you can be 100% sure which will lose all the dark and just be red, and which will keep some black and be sable.

Comment by candice sanchez on November 16, 2011 at 7:56pm
Hahaha oh he is stuck with what we got. I just wanted a way to sort of ease his mind a bit about the color change. He dosnt have much of an imagination for those sort of things.

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