we are adding a puppy, and our first corgi, to our family soon.i am looking for any advice. what did you do that helped? what do you wish you had done? or done differently? what items (other than the obvious) did you get that made life easier?  thank  you everyone for your insight!



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Comment by Sarah H on November 27, 2011 at 9:18pm

The best thing we ever did with our lil boy was teaching him to submit (lay on his side quietly until we said ok to get up), it taught him early that he couldnt get his own way and i made sure he would let me look in his ears, touch nails, butt, and all over his body for if he had to go to the vet for any reason, he'd be comfortable with people making sure he was healthy. It made a huge difference when i found out he has allergies since i have to check his skin weekly and give him pills, he never makes a complaint or struggles :)

Comment by Becky S on November 21, 2011 at 10:50am

Our dogs also have pillows in the family room.  That way if we are eating and don't want that corgi stare we just tell them "pillow" and they go lay down on them.  Or if they are getting a little too rambuncious, etc. 

Comment by Jane Christensen on November 21, 2011 at 9:36am

I strongly suggest to all my  new owners that you have a vet picked out and within the 1st 48-72 hours take him in for a wellness check. When I took Livvy in for hers they found she had a hernia...I still kept her but it doesn't hurt to have them checked just in case there is a problem. I also have this in my purchase/health agreement paperwork.

Comment by candice sanchez on November 21, 2011 at 9:19am
Thank you everyone for the advice! Love hearing it, the more the merrier
Comment by John Wolff on November 21, 2011 at 1:32am

Be very organized and diligent about training.  Do your homework, plan your work, work your plan, keep records, a training logbook or calendar,  Make sure that everybody in the family is on the same page and with the program.

It will all pay off handsomely.

Comment by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on November 20, 2011 at 9:36pm

So adorable!! I would say that training can never start too early and once you've taught your dog basic commands (sit, down, stay, etc.) don't ever stop. Keep refreshing them.I wish I would have tried to reward Baxter with more toy playing and attention rather than a treat for each successful command. He's a "will-work-for-work" only dog now.

Get your pup use to a brush and getting his feet and ears touched.

Good socialization with people, children, and other dogs is important (after all immunizations.)

Crates and Kongs are the best.

Find a good deal on a Furminator and buy one! He will shed like you won't believe later.

I found for potty training, taking the dog outside just about every three hours and soon after meals helps. The more you can anticipate his peeps and poops, the more I think he will understand that is where it should happen. I've always found that right after you think, "Hey I haven't taken the puppy out for awhile, I think I should take him out in a few minutes," the pup will probably be peeing in the next ten seconds on your floor.

The biggest thing ever though-- take lots of pictures and videos. They get big so fast, you'll wonder where the time went!

Enjoy your new addition!! Looking forward to more pictures!

Comment by Bev Levy on November 20, 2011 at 7:48pm

What a cutie, welcome to the "Club"! You will soon have a dog that is smarter than many humans so I suggest getting a couple training books for a new owner or googling some new puppy training info. Later when your pup is older classes will help you a lot.

Comment by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on November 20, 2011 at 6:28pm

About the discipline, when Watson piddles on the floor and we catch him in the act, it's a loud "NO!" and straight outside. That's a big one I feel. Otherwise, I just tell him "Nah-ah!" fairly loud for something he shouldn't be doing, like chewing fingers, if it's something in his mouth, I say "drop it" and either pull it from his mouth or make sure he does drop it.

And a crate is a lifesaver. I'm glad we got one before getting Watson, it helps with potty training. If we're going to do something longer than 15 seconds that we can't watch him fully, it's in the crate. I would recommend getting an xpen or something like it. We only survive without one because we just finished moving and stacked boxes with chairs around them to keep him in a "pen" of sorts. We'll probably get one after we need to take the boxes out.

Kong has kept my little pup busy. We got him a Kong TuggerKnot and a medium Kong Classic. He's been playing with the tug all the time, and I will put a little peanut butter and a small treat in the Classic and he just goes to town. It distracts him and he enjoys it a lot.

Comment by Jane on November 20, 2011 at 6:21pm

Puppy class, find one with a good positive trainer and attend as soon as he's had his shots and such.

As far as discipline, that really depends on the dog and the "crime". For most puppies a stern NO and just ignoring them is enough for them to figure out what they did wrong. Patience and consistency is key.

Comment by Jane Christensen on November 20, 2011 at 5:35pm

Planned ignoring works well for nipping...I would make a quick "owe" and turn away. This has worked for all of mine. If they don't want to go out...pick them up and take them out.  It will take a bit but figure out 5 basic words you want to start with and work on those.( such as come,leave it, potty,out, sit, no??? and each time he goes potty say potty, when he comes say come etc) Exchange  things you don't want him to have with toys that he can have.Less words(one) not full sentences. As soon as you can(shot wise for animals) make sure you socialize to people and other dogs. Hope this makes sense.

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