Hi everyone! Me and my fiancé have been wanting/researching/saving up for a corgi for over a year now and were wondering if anyone had experience and can vouch for/refer a breeder to us.

We're looking for a breeder in Utah or surrounding states, preferably close to West Jordan if you know one. We want a fawn or red Pem from a litter that would hopefully be born late spring to mid summer. If you could refer anyone to me or if you yourself breed that'd be much appreciated. Also temperament etc. wise we don't want a show dog, more of a child herding/protective centered corgi. Thank you!

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Comment by Kylie Dennison on November 22, 2013 at 11:38pm

Oregon's not bad, anything from west Colorado I'd consider. Thanks. :] And ya I don't word things well I just meant that I don't really care about show quality, mismarks or even a puppy that's a little shy, etc. Long as they can be the protective herding dog they naturally are I don't mind. :]

Comment by Jane on November 22, 2013 at 12:57pm

You could try searching the breeder list on pwcca.org. Unfortunately I don't see anyone in Utah, but you could try the surrounding states. Sometimes a breeder can direct you to someone else that is planning a litter.

I'm not really sure what you mean about not wanting a show dog temperament...they should be the same as any other well socialized pet dog.

Comment by RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp on November 22, 2013 at 12:51pm

If you were only closer...Oregon has a very special breeder, Kelly Knuteson-Timberside Corgis.   Kelly has wonderful pups, both Maggie May and Riley are Timberside pups, they have great temperament and are the sweetest ever.   Kelly has a FB page as do I.   If Oregon isn't to far you might consider Timberside...check out Kelly's pups on FB or Google Timberside Corgis.

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