I have the sad task of finding a home for 2 Corgis belonging to a dear friend.  I have a couple good leads thanks to the Lincoln (NE) Corgi Group.  It is a daunting task trying to make sure I do the right thing by them. I have no experience re homing pets so any experience any of you can share would be much appreciated.  I have lined up a good home for my baby should something happen to me, but Sandy hasn't...and she won't be coming home from the hospital this time.  Her daughter asked for my help. They are basically good dogs, BUT I'm having trouble striking a balance between sharing so many negatives that I could scare people off and making sure they have a pretty good idea what problems they might encounter.  I want them to get a good forever home with someone who is willing to do a little work as they have not had much training or socialization.

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Comment by Frances P Moloney on May 18, 2015 at 12:09pm

Its great to share this good news story: its win win all the way

Great news for the two dogs, great news for the new owner, relief for the previous owner / their family and a job undertaken with love & completed with care by Judith. Well done all round.

Comment by Anna Morelli on May 18, 2015 at 10:01am

Wonderful news, especially that you could place them both together, which is harder to do.   Sandy is lucky to have such a good friend as you.

Comment by Linda on May 18, 2015 at 7:44am

I am so happy to hear that they have found a wonderful new home!

Comment by Judith Andre on May 18, 2015 at 2:35am

Thank you for all the good advise.  Corgis and their people are the best!

Comment by Judith Andre on May 18, 2015 at 1:56am

These 2 Corgis went to their new home Friday.  Amazing response.  I interviewed several people on phone and online and showed them to the man I thought would be the best fit.  He's keeping in touch, everything is going great and both human and dogs have big smiles on their faces.  It is a retired man with plenty of time and love and past experience with Corgis.  I don't think they'll want for much.  I didn't expect things to go this smoothly or fast, I think Sandy would be pleased to know her pups are being taken care of and loved.

Comment by Carl Koch on May 15, 2015 at 3:27pm

My wife and I were in canine rescue for over forty years. If we can help let us know. We recently rescued a female cardi in the same situation as you find yourself in. Betty had fear aggression and other emotional problems. Now after a year with us she has mellowed and is a happy laid back little lady. Just an idea. When reviewing potential adopters, you might want to consider older retired people single or couple. These people generally have more time to spend with a dog or dogs and help them acclimate and bond quicker. It took Betty about 15 minutes to crawl up in my lap as if to say "I'm home!". Corgis are very smart and intuitive. They know when they are with their new forever person. I can provide a phone number if you wish. I also have a friend (college) who operates a rescue network in Texas. If you can send me some pictures, I will forward them along with contact info. 

Comment by Jennifer Markley on May 15, 2015 at 10:50am

Judith- I may be able to help.  My personal email is mjennifer19@gmail.com.

Send me information on the dogs- bad things, good things.  I'll see what I can do.

Comment by Vicky Hay on May 14, 2015 at 11:17pm

I'm sorry about your friend. And hope you have luck in finding good homes for her pooches. Good insights from Jane, Anna, & LInda. I've never tried to rehome a dog -- except for the time one of my husband's law partners fell in love with the Doberman pinscher (match made in heaven!!).  But taking a leaf from the rescue organization's book sounds like a good idea.

Years ago I did have to find new homes for four cats. I put a notice in a church bulletin -- Unitarians are suckers for kitties. ;-) Seriously, a lovely couple showed up. They doted on the cats and the cats liked them. It worked out quite well and I ended up not feeling bad about having the cats go, after all.

Comment by Linda on May 14, 2015 at 11:12am

I have never had to rehome any of my dogs but I have had 3 re-homed corgis including the 2 I have now.  With Arnie I was very glad to know that he didn't like little kids and that he was an escape artist.  My daughter was in HS so not liking kids was not a huge problem but the neighborhood kids coming to the fence to see him could be.  They were used to visiting my other dogs.  I also knew to crate him if I had company with young children.  And as for him being an escape artist...OMG!  Even tho I knew about it he outsmarted me so many times in the beginning.  It was also good knowing that Max & Katie got along with other dogs, Max's BF at his former home was a pitbull and that Max will wander off if he finds a way. 

So just a few things that I appreciated knowing before I brought mine home.

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 13, 2015 at 4:02pm

You should have gotten the email. It will say James as my hubby and I share the email. I agree with Anna...trust the dogs and also pay attention to your gut feeling. I have had people want one of my dogs for things like "I need to exercise more" NOT a good reason to get a dog:(  Or like Anna said....the turnover and have they ever had a rehomed dog or a Corgi before? If you have any questions...email...I'd be glad to help more. Good luck!

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