Remembering My Precious Rosie June 10, 2005 - June 9, 2009

What a shame that my first blog on here will be one of few.

On July 9, 2009, upon arrival in California for a little weekend trip, I learned of some very devastating news. After a walk with some friends, my precious Rosie experienced a series of unfortunate events and passed away on the way to the emergency clinic. The likely reason was a heat stroke from a hot summer day in Houston. My poor Rosie had to suffer through that without me.

Thank you to all our friends and family who understand that she was much more to us than just a dog. She was part of our family, my baby, my world. Thank you for all the kind messages and support as Stephen and I go through this tough time.

Most of all, thank you, Rosie, for being the perfect dog for me. Thank you for always giving me a reason to smile and for being there to turn a bad day around. I love you for all that you were. I even loved your shy, skiddish nature and excessive drooling only because it made you the dog that I adored. Thank you for being so smart, obedient, and being a dog so fit for us. You were so beautiful and happy. Everyone that had a chance to meet you, instantly loved you. Even those who had only heard stories and seen pictures still adored you. You were so photogenic, you brought every picture to life. You were my pride and joy.

Thank you for all the great memories. Thank you for all the times I snoozed my alarm and rolled over to fall back asleep, your stubby little arms pawed at my hand hanging over the bed. When that wasn't enough, you insistantly licked my arm until I was awake enough for you used your nose to strategically place your head in my hand so that I could scratch your head all the way down to your back. If I stopped, you would start the cycle over again from the pawing. Little did you know, I always stopped on purpose just to watch you do the whole routine over again. It won't be the same waking up without your smiling face looking up at me.

You loved visiting both sets of grandparents. Your Nguyen Grandparents loved to give you treats, take pictures, and just love on you. You were their little princess allowed inside while their own dog stayed outside. Visiting your Laperouse grandparents was always a treat since they have your 2 favorite corgi buddies. You always had a wiley, sneaky look when you were there because you always knew what you could get away with at their house.

Thank you for all the laughs. I loved the way you would get riled up and run around so fast that your mouth would stretch twice as big and your cheeks would flap in the wind! I loved the way you would toss your own toys up for you to chase. I loved the way you dashed to your crate when you heard, 'Go Home', just to get that treat. I loved how you always knew the exact point that we sat down to eat dinner and you would come over, stand next to your bowl and just SMILE as a friendly reminder that you needed to be fed too. This list could go on for days...

My grandpa passed away 2 and a half years ago. During this time Rosie spent hours consoling my mom and I during the sad time. It is amazing how dogs have the intuition to know when you are suffering and just want to stand by your side. Upon arriving at my aunt's house less than an hour from receiving the news, I saw a picture of my grandpa up on the mantle and it actually brought a little smile to me. Rosie is in heaven playing with my grandpa and reminding him how much we miss him. They can keep each other company and be happy together.

Precious Rosie, you clearly know how much we adore dogs so it is inevitable that we eventually find another, but you can never be replaced. You were my first that I could call all my own. Any dog in the future will have great standards to live up to and have big shoes to fill. A big part of our hearts will always be reserved for you.

Let me take this moment to remind you all to cherish the present moment and all the happy times that you have had and will have with your loved ones. It will be a rough path ahead of us, but let me assure you all that we will spend more time reminding each other of all the great memories. Thank you,, for giving me an outlet to share my thoughts with a community that can surely relate.

I have posted an Album named, "Remembering Rosie" to share those great memories with you all.

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Comment by Rachel Boyse on July 14, 2009 at 2:31pm
I am very sorry to hear about your beautiful and beloved baby. Thank you for sharing your story, I lost my baby Maggie after only having her two weeks..she dies of parvo. It was amazing to me how attached I could be to this loving dog after only two week of her being in my life. I have two other sweet girls Sophie and Emma and they are more than pets..they are family.
Comment by J & D Laperouse on July 14, 2009 at 12:27am
Having known Rosie personally we will truly miss her and I know our two Corgi's will miss her as well. Rosie was so sweet but also had a mischievous side to her. She is now playing in heaven with Honeybun. We are truly heartbroken.
Comment by Dez Hunter on July 13, 2009 at 11:31am
Sorry to hear about your loss. This was a very nice tribute to your pup, and it made me all teary-eyed. T_____T
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on July 13, 2009 at 9:28am
I laughed and cried as I read your post. God Bless your little Rosie. Thank you for sharing her story with us.
Comment by Ein Danger on July 13, 2009 at 1:23am
we are so sorry to hear of rosie's passing :( we send our sincerest condolences. our prayers are with your family.
Comment by Heather and Ella on July 12, 2009 at 10:48pm
I'm so sorry to hear of Rosie's passing. My heart goes out to your family.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on July 12, 2009 at 9:24pm
We are so sorry to hear of your loss and share your pain with you.We unexpectedly lost our Phinneas on June 13th 2009 after he was hit by a car at our Cabin. It was one of the most devastating things that I've encountered and I swore that having his sister Gem to love was enough. This is a picture of Edward 10wks old now, he fell into our laps through a series of coincidental events and even though he is no substitute for our dear Phinny he is helping us to heal. I think it was part of our angel dog Phinny's plan. Hope Rosie and Phinny have found each other. Coincidentally,my father in law passed away 1 wk before our Phinny, so we know they are together and having fun in the great beyond!
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 12, 2009 at 7:50pm
I'm sorry to hear about your devastating news. I recently lost my scottie suddenly from complications of Cushing's Disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 12, 2009 at 7:48pm
Di-An, I'm so sorry. I completely understand, and I'm crying right along with you.
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 12, 2009 at 7:47pm
I am so sorry for your lost :(

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