We took ruger on his first hike i put pics of it up it wasnt a long hike just a shortone down to a creek at sorter nature park it was really fun and ruger loved it he loved playing in the mudd and the water im really happy that he did so good and also that he loved the water causewhen it gets warm were goin to behiking all the time and this summer we are gong to take him to the beach all the time to so im happy he loves water we have been tryin to walk him on a leash everyday but he seems not tolike the leash and wants to lay down but when we take him off the leash he fallows us with no problem i wish he would get use to the leash but im happy that he fallows us with out it im also really happy he enjoyed the hike and the water and we cant wait to go on alot more hikes with him when the weather gets warmer and go to the beach and let him swimm around
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