My boyfriend and I met our puppy Starbuck today. She's about 6 and a half weeks, and we bring her home in less than two weeks! She's awesome. At first I was nervous because she was the only puppy not jumping around and stuff. She just laid quietly in my arms. My only thought was, "Please don't let her always be the puppy alone in the corner!" meaning please let her not be antisocial and scared of everything. After just a few minutes, she livened up and gave lots of kissies-- my favorite scent is puppy breath, and it's been and long, long time since I've had the pleasure of smelling it. She had a big smile on her face the whole time, and I've never seen anything cuter than her little butt swaying as she walks. It was really nice to see her playing with her siblings and the other humans. They really were like a pack, and there was a definite leader that the other pups followed. I had been pretty disappointed because our breeder's camera has been broken, so we haven't gotten many pictures. But today made up for it because Starbuck is the best puppy I could have ever asked for. It was so hard to give her back, but by the end of two hours, all the puppies were asleep on the ground. Clearly, nap time was necessary. June 5 can't come soon enough!

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