So yesterday turned out to be a pretty scary day. The morning was normal, I got up at 5:30 and the dogs got to go outside, had normal pees and poops, ate, got their chicken jerky treat then went back to sleep at 6:30 when I left to work. The foster pup (who doesn't have a name yet but we may name Laika after the first dog in space) seemed totally fine, eating and drinking and running around. My mom gets the dogs out at 9 and they get to stay out all day until I get home. Usually I leave at noon (its a summer job so its not full time) so the pups don't have to be without me for too long but yesterday we were busy so I stayed till 2. When I got home my mom said that she had been having severe diarrhea (yellowish brown water) and was slightly lethargic and I immediately became concerned because we have a dog at work (I work at a vet clinic) with parvo that I've been taking care of. I'm always careful about not bringing my work shoes into the house and changing and washing up before I touch the dogs so I was kind of freaking out because parvo is the last thing I want her to have. So I took her temperature and it was 104.6 (high fever) and I immediately decided a vet needed to see her so I got her and went back into work. There were no appointments so my vet let me come right in. We ran a parvo and giardia test and they both came back negative (thank god!) so we did an ultrasound of her (for free!) and noticed her stomach was real inflamed and she had an enlarged lymph node. He said we could either do more diagnostics (which would be expensive) or just treat her. He thought she may have had distemper or coronavirus or it just may have been a really bad stomach bug. So we gave her sub-q fluids and a little metacam for pain and some metronidazole for her stomach. He did a couple hundred dollars worth of work on her for 50 bucks, I looove working in a vet clinic. And it was a good learning experience since I am applying to vet school. All night last night her fever slowly went down but she continued to have horrible diarrhea. She ate a little dry food with warm water on it but I was afraid I'd have to give her more fluids. Now today, after two doses of her metronidazole she's like a brand new dog! I've never been so excited to see solid poop! Another reason I want to go to veterinary medicine: I love seeing puppies get better :)

Hope everyone else's pups are staying healthy! Any opinions on the name Laika? I thought it fit since Orion's a constellation and Laika's a space dog :)

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Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 14, 2010 at 4:12pm
She hadn't had a vaccine in 3 weeks and its hard to even know what she had been around because I got her the friday before she got sick from a family that only had her a week. At 5 weeks she was bought from a breeder, then at 8 weeks a family with five kids under eight years old bought her and at 9 weeks she nipped one of the kids so the dad said he'd kill her if they didn't get rid of her so she was surrendered to my rescue group. We're still trying to get the paper work from the previous owners so its hard to know what happened with her before we got her. And about the giardia test, I know its hard to spot on a fecal float but I was under the impression that the SNAP antigen test was fairly accurate

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