My little foster corgi is doing fantastic. She is currently romping around the house with Orion and Finn (my brother's aussie), since they're both fully vaccinated I think its a good social interaction for her. We still haven't come up with a name for her yet so that needs to happen.
So I'll write a little more in depth than my last post now that I have time. By the way, thank you everyone for the helpful comments and support. So now for the background on how all this came to be. A little over four years ago I got involved fostering kittens and cats for the Animal Welfare Society of Bandera County (AWSBC). I started out with just kittens but after a few months I became pretty close with the head of the organization and since she knew I was planning on going into veterinary medicine I began getting special needs kitties: cats that just had leg amputations, newborn kittens with no mothers, rehabilitation after extensive surgeries, etc. Since then I've only fostered kittens but I got a call yesterday about I case that would "interest me" and found out that case was this little pup.
The weird thing is that last week I had decided some time in the next year and a half I wanted another corgi for Orion to have as a friend and I decided if I could find one, I'd want a female black-headed tri but since those are hard to find I decided my next choice would be a red/white female (I wanted a pup that would look pretty different than Orion). So I got this call about a purebred corgi puppy who was adopted at five weeks from a breeder, kept until she was eight weeks then adopted by a family with five kids under eight years of age. She was there a week until she nipped on of the kids and the father said he'd kill her unless they got her out of the house. Somehow this woman knew the head of AWSBC, contacted her, she contacted me, and last night at 10 o'clock we picked her up to get her out of that house. And it just so happened she was a female black headed tri! I think the reason she picked me to foster this pup is because she knows there's the possibility of me keeping her. So far she has been a great pup, real spunky and full of energy. She does have a bit of a biting problem but we're working on it. We're waiting to get a little more information from the people that had her, like where she originally came from, etc. but we're glad she's out of the environment that she was in. So right now we're considering her our foster puppy but depending on how things go I'll make the decision of whether I'm going to adopt her myself or start bringing her to our adoption events.
Here's some pictures of the three monsters in action, they're not very good because they were running so much and some were taken on my phone:

Here she is diving under Orion to get the rope.

Tired dogs.
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