Hello everyone, I am new here and I am soon to be the mother of two cardigan welsh corgis. I have never owned one but have wanted one for a very long time! I have read many of your posts and am eager to read more. I was hoping you guys could me any hints tips or suggestions before the little ones get here. I want to be 100% ready! Thanks in advance!

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Comment by Christina Harkins on January 20, 2011 at 6:46pm
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know I have decided to only get one of the corgi puppies and I talked the lady into holding onto mine until 8 weeks. I will post pictures as soon as I get her! Thank you to everyone who helped me in this situation!
Comment by Christina Harkins on January 11, 2011 at 9:33pm
Oh, I didn't realize that it would be that bad. I already have the leashes collars toys and bowls and stuff. Plus our vet is great and I get 50% off since I work there. I had no idea getting two could cause so many problems. I always try to get two of whatever I get, fish, dogs, cats, mice. I never had a problem before so I never thought this would be a problem. I am going to talk to my husband and see what we want to do. Thank you for informing me of this. And I don't see you as coming across mean you are just being honest and I appreciate it!
Comment by Jane on January 11, 2011 at 2:57pm

Well, just keep in mind that while you may be saving money on the initial purchase price, you might end up spending a lot more than that on health problems and/or behavioral issues. I'm assuming this person hasn't done any health or temperament testing on their dogs, and letting the puppies go so young really isn't good for learning bite inhibition and proper dog manners.

If you can't afford $800 right now, please keep in mind that starting from scratch with a new puppy can cost around $2000 once you've purchased all the toys, chews, crates, food, bowls, collars, leashes, puppy classes, vet visits, worming, vaccines, neuter/spay, microchipping, etc. Just getting two dogs spayed at my vet would already run me around $500.

If you're really dead set on getting a puppy from this person, then I would really suggest only getting one. Corgis can sometimes be very difficult dogs (especially if you've never owned one before), and female/female pairs are generally considered the worst combination. I think it's going to be very hard to tell at 6 weeks if you're getting two dominant females, and if you do it may end in heartbreak. Once a bitch decides she doesn't like another dog, they generally don't change their minds.

Again I'm really not trying to be mean, so I hope you don't take it that way. I've just seen an unfortunate number of people who thought they were saving a buck by getting an inexpensive puppy, and having it blow up in their face later on.

Comment by Christina Harkins on January 11, 2011 at 1:30pm
oops below I meant to say WE used to foster animals as in me and my husband...
Comment by Christina Harkins on January 11, 2011 at 1:29pm
The lady I am getting them from is actually not a breeder. She has two corgis and they accidentally got together while she was on vacation. I am getting them for 50 each. Which I thought was a great start for me and my husband. I have been looking for a corgi now for about a year and a half and haven't had any luck. All the breeders I have talked to have been kinda rude. They said I shouldn't get a corgi until I have owned one before.But how am I supposed to own one first if they won't let me have one. It doesn't make sense to me. Plus all the breeders are selling them for like 800 for males and 900 for females which as a newlywed I can't really float right now. My husband and I are both very responsible and I will be home all week during the week so I will be able to give them a set schedule and my husband will be home on the weekends to follow through with the schedule. We have met the puppies and they are in great health other than they need to be de wormed which we will do asap and they will need their first shots. She used to foster animals and so we know well what it will cost and what they will need. I hope you don't think of me as irresponsible, I have saved many a dogs from horrible owners or horrible breeders, It breaks my heart when someone just dumps a dog on the side of the road or breeds them like a lab rat. I just want to make sure these little corgis can have a great life and I know that I can give it to them! Thank you!!
Comment by Jane on January 11, 2011 at 9:56am
Well I don't want to sound harsh...but if the breeder is insisting you take them at 6 weeks I personally would find a different breeder. That's sort of a red flag that she may just be breeding for the money and doesn't care about the welfare of the puppies or the breed itself. Even letting a brand new corgi owner get female litter mates is a little scary to me to be honest.
Comment by Christina Harkins on January 11, 2011 at 12:00am
Yes they just started to.
Comment by David on January 10, 2011 at 9:53pm
Are the puppies eating solid food?
Comment by Christina Harkins on January 10, 2011 at 3:47pm
I thought that was a young age to take them from their mother, the lady I am getting them from said it's not. She won't keep them any longer. If I don't take them she will give them to someone else.... I was hoping this wouldn't be too much of a problem, will it be? and what should I be expecting?
Comment by Jane on January 10, 2011 at 3:29pm
I would suggest 36" crates for cardigans. Is there a reason you're getting them so young? I would recommend waiting until they're 8 weeks. Female litter mates may be quite a handful so I'd definitely recommend puppy classes.

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