Taking a quick moment to update things for the "Stump Kids." We just came back from our first hike of the new year--it's a gorgeous mid-50 degree, sunny day, so we went out with Matt and our friends Merinda and John and Porter, their 5-year-old Cardigan Welsh Corgi (he's Dally and Mesa's best friend) to the Palisades for some hiking near the Kentucky River. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon! This, of course, was followed by a stop at Bruster's for free pup cups for the kids. (The pup cups are small, single scoops of vanilla ice cream with a dog cookie on top.)

Mesa's agility training has progressed so well! She's been picking up things left and right. Now I just want us to focus on some distance work and continuing our weaves. We worked with Weave-A-Matics for the first time on Monday, and after a short introduction Mesa is starting to get it. We pushed the channels out some, and angled the poles, of course, but I think it'll be a smooth transition to in-line WAMs, and then hopefully soon in-lines. But, I need to no put so much pressure on the weaves.

Dally's Nashville AKC trial at the end of January was pretty successful--she Qd in both Exc A Standard runs to finish her AXP (Excellent A Standard Preferred) title. She needed a new handler for both of her Jumpers runs, though, as I completely got lost on Saturday's run and then on Sunday I threw in my front cross at the wrong jump, causing me to pull her off a jump and going off course. Talk about frustrating!! We have a trial in Dayton, Ohio, next weekend, where I hope to finish her AJP (Excellent A Jumpers Preferred) on Saturday and start our journey towards earning Double Qs for our PAX/PACH!! (Plus, we'll be back to where we were before I dropped her down to 4 inches preferred--Dally actually has seven MACH points.)

To read more, please check out my Blogspot blog: "Agility on Stumps."

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