Ok, so now that we have narrowly dodged the bullet... I can talk about it. Nothing like closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out. Saturday we had a party at our house and that night Quin started to have diarrhea. I thought maybe someone had fed her something she shouldn't have had. No be deal except washing that fuzzy but every time she goes out especially in the middle of the night. But by Wednesday she still had it and it had turned bloody so I call my vet he tells me to give her Imodium and call tomorrow if she isn't better well all that day she didn't eat a thing she laid around and her diarrhea was worse (more blood) and when I felt her nose it was hot. By this time the vet is closed. She had to go out again for the umteenth time and this time there were pieces of her dragoon in it and the next time she went bigger pieces of dragoon. I was worried she was going to have to have surgery. This morning though she was hungry and she was chasing the cat and wanted to play ball the diarrhea is gone and she is happy. The morel of this story? I picked up all her half chewed toys and threw them away. She does like to chase the stuffed dragoon though... So we are only going to play with it supervised and then put it out of reach.

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Comment by Kari & Quin on November 16, 2010 at 1:59pm
Sorry I have one too many o's in Dragon, The Dragon was one of those chew proof toys that supposedly they cant destroy!? Well she chewed his face off and ate the material not the stuffing. So now I have sewed him up and he is a head less dragon. Or he kinda looks like a stegosaurus with wings. haha So it's not just the stuffing you have to worry about, the fabric is what caused us probables.
Comment by John Wolff on November 11, 2010 at 10:18pm
What's a dragoon?
Gwynn eviscerates stuffies faster than we can repair them -- but she doesn't swallow her prey.
Comment by Elizabeth on November 11, 2010 at 10:05pm
Glad she's okay. I had a similar story this weekend, but it turned out to be colitis (I was sure Dewi had eaten something inedible). I have had to stop buying anything stuffed or sewn because my two apparently like the sound of ripping thread. :(
On a positive note, Quin's fluffy butt is looking exceptionally clean and well-groomed. :0 I have to cut my fluff's pants (I guess that means he has capris) to avoid a daily rear-end bath.
Comment by Tina Bradway on November 11, 2010 at 8:45pm
glad she all right, that had to be frightening.
Comment by Ellen Andersen on November 11, 2010 at 7:14pm
I'm sooo glad she's ok! She's gorgeous! Looks like a female version of my Nimh.
Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on November 11, 2010 at 6:58pm
im glad shes ok , i know your relieved!!!
Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on November 11, 2010 at 6:58pm
oh my word!!! my sons corgi tears up and eats the stuffing of his toys but Carly doesn't do that !! Tonight my neighbor who has a female corgi, told me she has to crate mocha in the day while shes at work so she wont tear up her couch cushions :-) mercy~! i guess i should count my blessings that Carly doesn't have this habit.
Comment by Biscuit, Bentley & Anni on November 11, 2010 at 6:55pm
So glad Quin is ok!

I've had to do the same with Biscuit - for a while her castings were like owl castings - all fluff and stuffing and little bits of rubber! We call her our little de-constructor, such talent for working out how to get the innards out of anything stuffed! Friends/Family keep buying her stuffed toys (despite our requests!!) and we have to hide them when they're not over, so that they last more than one play session :D

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