Teething, Soft Stool, Gosh... what else is new?!

It looks like we are burgeoning into a somewhat interesting period for Jackson. He is losing teeth left and right. He lost his FOUR top front teeth yesterday, and two bottom teeth last week. And the adult teeth are already growing in! I feel so bad for my little guy! Ouchie!

And on top of all of this, he's been having softer stool for a few weeks now... but recently it's started getting REALLY soft. I feel like part of this is my fault. Almost two weeks ago we flew to Atlanta, which was GREAT and he did pretty well. I gave him "Happy Traveler's" each way which is a herbal doggie mood enhancer to calm him. I noticed his poo softening more after this, which I thought was a total normal response to the pill.

Then we got back to San Francisco and took a drive down to Los Angeles. He was great in the car! But the hotel we stayed at had some rawhide chews that I gave to him and have since been doing a number on his tummy and poo.

We got back to SF (again) on Saturday and since about Sunday or so, his poo has been super super soft. And twice it has come with mucus. Poo has not been uncontrollable or watery.

Jackson is up to date on all of his vaccines and his stool at 15 weeks checked out parasite-free from the vet.

What are the chances of this being a combination of stress, nasty rawhides, traveling, etc? I just feel bad everything is happening at once for him...

I'm going to pick up some canned pumpkin to see if that helps. Jackson eats Solid Gold Hundchen Flocken and I just bought a new 30-lb bag for him, so I'm hesitant to change his food just yet...

His behavior is still pretty normal. He is playful, though I think catching up on some rest from the busy (and fun for him!) week we had last week. He is still comely, seems hydrated, etc.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and here's a funny picture of my toothless buddy...

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Comment by Bev Levy on March 3, 2010 at 9:11am
Any dentist's office would love this photo! Cute.
Comment by Buddy & Wynstan on March 2, 2010 at 11:01pm
Wynstan is teething really bad at this time. Rawhides have helped a lot, but the only problem is that if I am not fast enough, he will his teeth that just popped out.

As for the loose stool, it could be a number of things, Wynstan gets it if he is overly excited for a long period of time or we get more exercise than normal.

As for the gas, he had it badly when I transitioned him from what the breeders gave me to the current food he is on now.
Comment by Zach and Lisa on March 2, 2010 at 10:56pm
Midas went through a period as a puppy with some nasty stink. We actually had a family dog sit for us when he was about 8months and the whole family kept thinking it was their father farting really bad ones and they would clear the room. Later in the week they realized it was Midas letting them out. Oops! I guess Midas was nervous. Haha!
Comment by Kari & Jackson on March 2, 2010 at 8:40pm
Oh! And he had VIOLENT farts a week and a half ago, which have stopped a few days ago. Does that mean anything???

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