Okay, so peeparoonies isn't usually in my vocabulary, but I'm way too excited for my own good right now and that is the result :)

I wanted to thank everyone on MyCorgi who pitched in to help me in my time of need to get Ziggy safely here, (and a thanks to Jen and the FB Corgi Nation to helping me keep him fed and healthy) in NH with me, when the only other option was the depressing one of leaving him behind with another new family.

Since you guys have all been so kind and supportive, I wanted to share that I (FINALLY) have managed to wrangle a job here! Things can only go on to get better now. I tried to stay positive and right as soon as I was giving up hope on being able to turn things around, I get a call telling me that the job (a GREAT one with full health benefits, paid vacations, and an easy laid back enviornment with nothing but friendly employees) I had applied for that had been given to someone else was open again! I know I wasn't their first choice, but I'll make them pleased that the other person backed out. I am going to work my butt off to make this job work out for me and Ziggy. I'm so stoked to finally be able to start saving up an emergency vet fund :)

I go in Monday morning to sign the paperwork :)

I cannot tell you, the amazing people of Corgi Nation, how much all this help and support has helped.. Ziggy would not be sleeping at my feet right now without you guys, and I would probably be a depressed lub, still jobless, still sitting at my mom's house, but worse off in the sense that Skiski is gone. I wouldn't be able to deal with this situation without Ziggy and it's because of you guys that I have him <3<3<3

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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on September 25, 2012 at 7:17pm

Thank you everyone :) Ziggy says thanks too.. He enjoys getting hugs lol :P

It does prove that you just have to keep your chin up.. Things usually do get worse before they get better, but they will get better as long as you keep on keeping on.

Alison, I will do that! I still have yet to meet another Corgi.. I'm hoping that with the new job, I'll be able to get out to a Corgi meet up sometime, but meeting Noodles is the tip top of my Corgis I wanna meet list! Such a bummer it didn't pan out before I left in the first place.. Better late than never though, right! :P

Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 25, 2012 at 6:43pm

This brought tears to my eyes....it just shows that if you're patient (which is NOT a virtue of mine), and trust in God, that everything happens for a reason....and that the dark days WILL turn to sunshine eventually!  Please give Ziggy a hug from me, and the next lick he gives you will be a kiss on the cheek from me..  :-)

Comment by Alison Prasavath on September 25, 2012 at 5:53pm

I'm so happy for you! You deserve this so much and have been through quite a roller coaster the past few months. I'm so happy Ziggy was able to make it safely back to you as well. I love seeing how happy he is with you. When you do make it back out to Salem, you have to let me know because Noodles and I want to meet you both.

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on September 25, 2012 at 5:12pm

It is so great when people can help each other!  And when corgis can help corgis!  Hope all goes well with you and Zig and keep us updated!  Keep posting your great pictures of Ziggy!

Comment by Ludi on September 25, 2012 at 4:31pm

I'm so happy for you! :-) Best of luck with your new amazing job, and give Zig a hug from me and Ace. You deserve it!

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 25, 2012 at 11:43am

Congrats, how exciting!!!

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