And I don't mean the Department of Natural Resources!


Roslyn went in this morning for her yearly dental. When we adopted her she had REALLY bad teeth. So we have been doing everything in our power to delay natural decay. We brush *almost daily, she gets chews to help her teeth, we got her the shot that helps keep dental bacteria down (I can't remember what the shot is called), and she goes in for a yearly cleaning.

Two months ago she broke one of the tips off her back tooth (the large one with 3 roots), and last week in a game of tug with the puppy she cracked the small tooth next to her canine. So, needless to say, she is having two extractions done with her dental today. They had to do bloodwork on her last week, which came back fine, but a couple labs were elevated so they are going to keep her overnight just in case.

During the check up this morning they asked my Husband and I to sign paper work designating whether or not Roslyn would be of NO CODE status, or a FULL CODE. I have had my Advanced Directives signed since nursing school, but for some reason I never thought about what my response would be concerning my pack of beasts. I always thought I would know what to do when the emergency came...


We made Roslyn a FULL CODE, but talked to the vet about when enough is enough, and valuing quality of life over just living. My husband and I have the same contingencies on our papers as well. I figure I should at least give my beloved pups the same consideration I would give myself. We also decided to start a savings account where a small percentage of each paycheck goes in for pet emergencies.


... I guess this is part of growing up and being an adult. Making sure that the life you have taken a responsibility for is taken care of in more than just food, shelter, and love. Or maybe it is just a part of that love that makes us want to prepare for the future... whatever the outcome.

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Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 10, 2011 at 8:54pm
This is a great idea, putting extra money into the savings. I have worked at a vet for several years and after talking to MANY clients about pet insurance, have come to the conclusion, it saves you money in the end to just set aside some money each month for a pet fund (you can even set aside whatever you would be paying for pet insurance). In most cases, this is a more cost effective way to prepare for an emergency should one arise. Franklin is one of those dogs that is basically uninsurable due to his past medical conditions (and he's only 2!). So I applied early for a Care Credit account should I need to spend a huge amount on a future vet bill. Interesting that your vet asked about DNR, good idea to have a plan BEFORE an emergency arises
Comment by Bev Levy on February 10, 2011 at 2:10pm
This is a tough but necessary thing to think about. I don't think there are any easy answers and every situation is different. It has got to be a tough part of every vet's job. Good luck to Roslyn! And you..
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 10, 2011 at 12:39pm
Great post!
Comment by Cheryl Lyons on February 10, 2011 at 12:22pm
I struggled with this too; When Izzie became very sick and the vet bills were in the thousands, I told myself, next dog, puppy or otherwise, Pet Insurance! My friend had it for her Chiuhaua and I will tell you after 2 leg breaks, it helped her out tremendously with the bills.  Another thought....

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