LaRissa L. Head's Blog (26)

Our happy little home!

Remember the Malamute we were going to foster? Probably not as it has been a while since I have posted anything... Well my husband fell in love, and he became part of our pack.

Here's a pic of him when we first got him. Shaved and smelling of skunk, with a few Porcupine quill in his muzzle working themselves out. He was pretty ugly and stinky.…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 24, 2012 at 10:27am — 5 Comments

Puppy sweater

So my poor little corgi mix Oona get cold very easily. Anything below 65F and she starts shivering and cuddling up to the other dogs... which sometimes they are not in the mood for. Knowing this will be her first true Michigan winter (she was born last Nov, but winter puppies don't spend too much time outside during those months), I decided she needed a sweater.

I was not about to pay $15-25 on a stupid dog sweater!

So without a pattern I decided to crochet a basic sweater…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on September 16, 2011 at 5:37pm — 9 Comments


A few days ago Roslyn wa

s playing with Oona and let out a huge yelp and hid. I checked her out thinking she probably got snagged by a tooth or something, but didn't find any marks. Since then she had been limping a bit, and very snippy with the other dogs. She has been super clingy to me and distant to everyone else.

I figured she had pulled a muscle or something as there was nothing external and she wasn't having any other symptoms beside being grumpy and clingy.



Added by LaRissa L. Head on August 30, 2011 at 10:48am — 13 Comments

Summer with a Malamute

Every summer seems the same for me. A friend or family member is in need of help and I drop everything to try and make life easier for them.

During this time my husband and I decided to take in (yet another) foster dog. This time an Alaskan Malamute, and I would only be home on the weekends.

I can't tell you how proud I am of my husband right now. I had to beg him to adopt our first dog Roslyn, and he made me promise I would do everything for her. Now we have our second dog…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on August 6, 2011 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Weird dogs

I've fostered several dogs now, and 2 of which have been corgis (Winston, and Gunner).

On a normal day I would say that my own 2 rescue corgis are , well, normal. That is until I foster a corgi...

With Winston:

I just thought "Ok, so I…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on June 16, 2011 at 4:32pm — 9 Comments

Crazy life!

I have been so neglectful of my friends!

Life, friend and family weddings, job changes, and house hunting really get in the way of my social/internet time. :P


So as some of you know Nate, Roslyn, and I adopted an 8week old corgi/cattle dog mix back in Jan. I can't believe how much Oona has grown!

I couldn't have asked for a better…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on June 13, 2011 at 10:57am — 6 Comments

Oona and the mighty chocolate bar.

About 10 mins ago I found my puppy Oona eating a cadbury "caramello" bar.

Started apply peroxide/water right away.

Have the emergency vet on speed dial if we need.


Cross fingers, say prayers, send out good thoughts for us please.


Added by LaRissa L. Head on March 20, 2011 at 2:21pm — 10 Comments

16 weeks (ish)

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time... geesh, the days go by so far!


Oona is almost 16 weeks now. Our little corgi mix is a crazy little ball of energy that I'm not sure even Roslyn can keep up with now!

She was spayed 2 weeks ago, and hasn't had any complications thus far. In fact I am not sure she got the memo on having surgery, she…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on March 7, 2011 at 11:34pm — 3 Comments

Post surgery

Just wanted to let everyone know that Oona is back safe and sound.

Her incision is so tiny and has three hot pink stitches! I admit it is hard to keep her calm. She has wanted to play and bounce as if nothing happened. When Roslyn has surgery it is completely opposite, she is mopey and sleep for days after. So I am keeping Oona tethered to me for the next few days.


If anyone has any tips on how to keep a puppy calm, let me know! I'm guessing she is going to have a lot…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 23, 2011 at 10:31pm — 2 Comments

Early spay

Oona is getting spayed today. She is 13 weeks old, and 8 pounds. I will admit... I am nervous.

Then again I get nervous with every operation... so not a shocker!


We read the reports and studies, and the pros seem to outweigh what little cons we could find.

They say that young pups lick their stitches less, heal faster and need a smaller incision. They say that growth plate in the long bones tend to grow longer, but only by mm.

I've even read a couple…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 22, 2011 at 10:43am — 5 Comments

The DNR question...

And I don't mean the Department of Natural Resources!


Roslyn went in this morning for her yearly dental. When we adopted her she had REALLY bad teeth. So we have been doing everything in our power to delay natural decay. We brush *almost daily, she gets chews to help her teeth, we got her the shot that helps keep dental bacteria down (I can't remember what the shot is called), and she goes in for a yearly cleaning.

Two months ago she broke one of the tips off her back…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 10, 2011 at 12:05pm — 4 Comments

Oona, week 11.

Not too much to report. My husband has been working midnight shifts during a software "Go Live" at on of the hospitals his company has contracts with. So the household seems a bit strange as we adjust to having to be quiet all day long, and alone all night long. :(


I went to a "Girls night IN" party with a few girl friends. I taught some basic massage techniques and showed the girls how to make their own beauty products from things people usually already have in their…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 5, 2011 at 2:44am — 6 Comments

Oona, week 10!


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 27, 2011 at 9:33pm — 6 Comments

Crate training

Short post/update


Just wanted to let everyone know, We started crate training our 8 week old Oona the night we got her (Saturday 1-15-11), and tonight is the second night in a row she has "gone to bed" with zero crying/whining!


I don't think 4-5 nights is bad at all! I am proud of my little girl, proud of Nate and Myself for being strong in the face of puppy tears (the most heartwrenching sound I have ever had to endure), and proud of Roslyn for being such a…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 20, 2011 at 12:36am — 4 Comments

New Puppy! Oona!

Hey Everyone!

It's been a whirlwind couple days, but puppy is home and doing well! She has the most adorable half blue eye!

Housebreaking has been so far pretty simple... but time consuming. I work from home all but 10 hours of the week, so I have a regular schedule that is programed into my phone to remind me to take her out every two hours.

We are using a small pet carrier as a crate currently (I hate dealing with those moving dividers), and she hasn't had any…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 18, 2011 at 2:27pm — 9 Comments

Every two hours? What have I gotten myself into?!?

Well, I am leaving here in a couple minutes to make the 12 hour round trip to pick up my new 8 week old puppy. It is snowing peacefully outside my window and is a complete contradiction to how I feel inside.


Confession, This will be the first puppy I will have had since my childhood. On top of that, my memory is missing anything having to do with training my first dog (which mind you I had no hand in), and is only focusing on the (now) glaring mistakes I made while caring for…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 15, 2011 at 8:44am — 10 Comments

2 more weeks before new puppy!!!


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 5, 2011 at 2:01am — 18 Comments

Concern for random new behavior

I have noticed recently (last 2 weeks) Roslyn has started a new behavior.

I have always been quite proud that she is hardly ever destructive (except for the time when she and a friends dog decided that ripping each leg off an octopus toy during tug of war was a good idea), and has always known the difference between her toys and my things.


until recently


Suddenly I find her sleeping on my slippers every morning. Each morning my husband wakes up first to…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 4, 2011 at 5:45pm — 8 Comments

New Family Member!

So a couple weeks ago a member on these forums (Cheryl Lyons) post pics of her newly fostered pembroke that had 5 puppies. I contacted Cheryl after seeing the photos about adopting one of these cute little pups.

This past weekend my husband and I made the 6 hour trip to pick out our new puppy! :D

There are still 2 pups available, if you are looking to adopt  near the holidays!…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on December 20, 2010 at 12:00pm — 13 Comments

Almost home!

The wedding was perfect and the reception was amazing! I will post pictures when I am in front of my desk top instead of my new husbands lappy.

Honeymooning in Zion National park was just what Nate and I needed to start our new lives together. Nate having graduated from college just last month needed a break before officially starting his new job hunt (so if anyone knows of any I.T. /management positions available in the U.S.....)

We just finished packing and…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on June 7, 2010 at 11:11am — 2 Comments

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