So I have decided it is impossible to take a picture of two dogs playing... One or both dogs always looks like a blur. Of course I am not very good at taking pictures and I am working with an Iphone for a camara.
Roslyn and Oona are becoming more and more attached everyday. Where I go, Roslyn goes. Where Roslyn goes, Oona goes. We are one big train all day long. If I sit for more than 5 mins then there is a battle happening underfoot. Roslyn has even started letting the puppy win and rolls over for Oona every now and again.
Bad photographic evidence:
Every once in a while Roslyn still gives me the "mommy, please tell the puppy my face is not a chew toy" look, but Oona is learning limits quickly... and how to stretch them.
Command training is going well. Since last week Oona has learned "Stay" and "Leave it". Both of which come in handy if there is an irresistible piece of fuzz on the ground, or a cat goes zooming by.
She is learning fun tricks as well like "Dance" and "High five". Both of which she gets about 50-75% of the time.
She is growing unbelievably fast. She is no longer the shaky little puppy who can keep up with Roslyn... She is now a jumping monster able to search and eat random Timothy Hay from the bunnies litter box faster than a speeding bullet.
Oh and poor abused Liam (my bunny). Oona loves Liam just as much as Roslyn does. Liam loves both of them back of course and they all sleep cuddled up together. I can only let Liam out of his cage for short bits of time though (he is used to wandering freely) because Oona thinks she can play with him the same way she plays with Roz... and of course he allows it, but I won't. Bunny skin is way to thin. Liam likes to groom Oona though, and gets very angry if he is left out of all the chasing games.
Picture of Liam (i have yet to take one of all three of them together... I will try harder this week):
Don't mind the messy cage. Picture was taken during blow out season after a vacation where a friend was supposed to be watching him, but left him alone all week :(
That is almost 15 pounds of pure white fury when we got home...
Yay! You must not forget your promise to post a photo of the three of them snuggling together.
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