Last night, as usual, I put Charlie to his crate, gave him his "sleeping pill" - a kong filled with treats, and wished him "Good night" :). Then I went upstairs to our bedroom.
This morning, exactly as usual, I went down to the kitchen to feed the cat. I always feed the cat first, because she cannot wait. The lights were still off in our living room, but I registered with the corner of my eye that Charlie was, as always in the mornings, in his crate, in his usual "good schoolboy" pose. Like that.

And I turned lights on in the kitchen, and fed the cat. But suddenly, I heard a noise, and... Charlie surprisingly appeared in the kitchen, wagging his tail, and he looked very satisfied with himself.
- Whoa! Charlie, how did you open the crate? - I exclaimed. He did not answer (of course!). I went to the living room and discovered lots of paper scraps. Pages from my Harpers Bazaar Magazine were just torn into pieces. However, no other damage has been discovered. No pee or poo on the floor (which is good, considering he is 6 months old.).
It's clear now that I just didn't close the crate door properly. However, I have a couple of other questions.
What time in the night he escaped from his crate?
If he went roaming around the house, why did he return to his crate by 5 a.m.?
it's all a mystery to me!
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