Alla's Blog (9)

We found a "long lost brother!"

We met Charlie's brother at the dog's park this week-end. "We met by accident" :) We quickly found out the details - they are from one litter! That was so exciting! Charlie's fluffy brother is so-oooooo adorable! And friendly! They went along greatly, and enjoyed playing with each other!

here are some photos:

Heated discussion :)…


Added by Alla on January 26, 2009 at 7:00pm — 11 Comments

The mysterious occurrence which happened to Charlie last night.

Last night, as usual, I put Charlie to his crate, gave him his "sleeping pill" - a kong filled with treats, and wished him "Good night" :). Then I went upstairs to our bedroom.

This morning, exactly as usual, I went down to the kitchen to feed the cat. I always feed the cat first, because she cannot wait. The lights were still off in our living room, but I registered with the corner of my eye that Charlie was, as always in the mornings, in his crate, in his usual "good schoolboy"… Continue

Added by Alla on December 5, 2008 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

Life is go-ooooood!!

Charlie is on the beach. Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Added by Alla on October 22, 2008 at 1:28pm — 8 Comments

Cat and dog interaction - 2 (photo-story)

So, they are still in those love-hate relationship! However, Charlie became bigger, and now he plays rough games with Marusa (my cat) and chases her everywhere. As a revenge, she likes to sleep in his crate whenever it's left open.

So, here is the story.

Charlie intended to sleep in his crate, but when he got there, Marusa was already in!

"Okay, okay, I'll go find something else..."

"Wait a minute... Isn't it MY crate??? And… Continue

Added by Alla on October 15, 2008 at 9:24am — 13 Comments

Happy Trails

Today we made a first step to turning Charlie into a Great Hiking Corgi, he-he. We went hiking! The hike was about 3 miles long, and it took us a little more then a hour. It was quite steeply path along Potomac. I was surprised how easy it was for Charlie to climb up and down the rocks. Sometimes I thought he would not make it. But he was just great!

So, it's possible even with the short legs :). I am very excited. We started our training in order to do a day hike in Shenandoah Mountains,… Continue

Added by Alla on October 5, 2008 at 9:38pm — 1 Comment

Why did I get a corgi (Copied from my topic post)

To my friend Nadya

I posted this story in a topic "How did you end up with a corgi", and I also want to save it in my blog.

This story began several years ago in a remote, snowy Russia.. Not exactly snowy, though... :) It was October in Moscow, it was not cold at all, and the trees were still in those fall colors: red, yellow, golden brown...

I was a college student then. I don't remember what kind of problem I had that day (was it a broken heart, or.. C on… Continue

Added by Alla on September 23, 2008 at 3:00pm — 11 Comments

Cat and dog interaction

So, here is the story

Our cat is still very jealous to our dog. She does not hiss at him that much like it was at the first days, but still... She follows him everywhere and hisses, she drinks out of his bowl, she tries to took over his toys...

Recently she even had some rest in his crate! So, we realized that she might want to have a new "cat's house". We went ahead and bought her a fancy-shmancy cat's house at the Petsmart. To our surprise, she didn't like it! She went… Continue

Added by Alla on September 8, 2008 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Charlie sleeps ALOT!

He is 12 weeks now. It takes him about 10 minutes to wake up when I get home. Sometimes he even don't want to go for a walk! He just does his business and then lies down on his stomach. (not every time, but...) Then he plays about an hour, and goes to sleep. I wonder, is it because he is small, or because he got vaccination shots last Sat.

Currently, he is sleeping again!

Added by Alla on August 19, 2008 at 8:00pm — 9 Comments

My Charlie is at home now.

I brought my puppy home last Friday. He is a very happy little boy. Thanks to the breeder (who started crate-training him some time ago) he slept through the first night (and other nights) without any whining or waking up in the middle of the night.

He is very corgi-smart. He already learned "sit" command. Now he follows me everywhere and sits every minute, looking me in the eye. Of course, he gets no treats for that unsolicited sitting, but still it's very funny.

My cat… Continue

Added by Alla on August 18, 2008 at 1:39pm — 6 Comments

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