The Nightmarish Doggy Photo Shoot Before Christmas

Spent a good two hours this morning trying to get a nice, respectable holiday photo of Jon and Dewi in front of the fireplace. [silence] With my point and shoot camera. [silence] Took about 70 photos. Not one decent photo in the bunch. Nope. In fact, it was like a two-hour obedience lesson gone horribly awry. (sit, stay, down, stay, sit, down, STAY!) I quit after this picture.

"Give me the cookieeeee now!!!!!"

(Oh, in case you're wondering, Jon and the cat were running laps around the room. Yep.)

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Comment by Elizabeth on December 13, 2010 at 10:08pm

@Lynne, that second photo cracks me up!  Look at her trying not to look at the camera. :)

@Carol, why do we try so hard to get them to stop being dogs for photos?  I mean, we'd remember the moment so much more if we just went with the ones where they're rolled over and licking the floor.  ;)

Comment by Carol Rea on December 13, 2010 at 8:21pm

I like the two of them hanging over the sofa - tongue hanging out waiting for a cookie!  I tried to get pictures in front of the tree (without knocking the tree down, of course!) Sonny did his usual roll over on his back, Lucky licked the much for that.  Only picture of the two of them is the one on my page and the one of Sonny checking out Lucky's wheels that first day.  Maybe if we go see Santa?

Comment by Lynne Cerny on December 13, 2010 at 6:38pm

I'm glad I'm not the only one.  I just tried to get a picture of the two together...attached.  Bucher is a ham and loves the camera, but Sally is not at all going to let me no matter how hard I try!!

Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on December 12, 2010 at 7:07pm

I feel your pain. I can't get a decent shot of my two. And then I see John's perfect corgi pic of the day with Al and Gwynnie posed perfectly with a spectacular mountain landscape in the background.

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on December 12, 2010 at 5:36pm

I like all of the pics you posted, they are really cute!!  I figured out that Lance was not a fan of the focusing light that turns red, right before you take the picture, so I learned to focus so that the light wasn't bothering him and then get the shot.  It does take practice.  I love pictures, almost obssesed I worked with him on this as soon as we got him and was persistant enough that he cooperates pretty well.  Although I will say, that if he has had enough, he will sit still, he will purposely look away from the camera, lol.  Don't give up, you will get it!!! :)

Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 12, 2010 at 3:45pm

Haha, thanks for the laugh this morning! yeah, maybe a nice looong walk before the photo session will calm them down a notch or two :)

Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on December 12, 2010 at 2:41pm

Elizabeth, if you get lots of light into the room, open all the curtains or blinds, even bring extra lamps into the room and remove the shades, this will help speed up the shutter on the camera and freeze the action.

Comment by Elizabeth on December 12, 2010 at 1:40pm

Yes, I made a number of mistakes here...namely expecting the dogs to obey for two hours!  There's a reason the experts say to train in 5-20 min. sessions.  Also, the boys were wild with energy!  Unfortunately, I can't do a thing about the slow shutter speed on my camera...or my lack of photography skills.  Oh well.  Live and learn.  Some of the pictures would have been great of the dogs (had they been in focus)!  I think I can salvage a couple shots with some editing and creative thinking. :)

@Zach and Lisa - I can't say which of the photos was the "best," and I can't show the ones I'm editing, but here are a couple of the others... :)

(There's a cat on the floor.)

(Cute expressions, but not what I was looking for. Oh, and there's a pile of laundry in the chair.)

Comment by Patti on December 12, 2010 at 9:19am

love that expression! you can almost imagine: camera=cookie? these dogs really are smarter than us!

Comment by Bev Levy on December 12, 2010 at 8:34am

I have more photos of someone's butt as they move out of the frame after I hit the button so I feel your pain!

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