On Saturday, November 1st:

My boyfriend Brian and I drove 2 hours to meet with a wonderful lady by the name of Patti Gordon. She is a Corgi Breeder, whom I have been in contact with over the last few months. She has such beautiful Corgis! We met her newest liter, and also met with the Mom and Dad of these adorable healthy pups. We toured her property, and played with all the puppies, Mom even joined in. By the time we were ready to leave, I was pretty sure that I wanted to take home all four puppies, but settled on placing a deposit on only two.....which Brian and I agreed that we would have to narrow down to only ONE over the next few days.
The rest of the weekend was spent on talking about which puppy we wanted, and tossing around various names and nicknames we liked. Today, Monday the 3rd, we have officially decided on "the boy", whose cute little face you see when looking at my profile picture! I think we've already settled on a name, but that's a secret for now.....we want to get to know him a little better before we decide for sure.
The last few months have been more difficult than I expected, after losing our first Corgi puppy so quickly, and I have to admit that I am afraid of getting my heartbroken again. Although, I feel that we are ready for a fresh start, I can't help but think of little Bailey............

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Comment by Kathy and Jillie on November 4, 2008 at 4:46pm
I understand your feelings completely. But you will never forget your Bailey and she would want you to share the corgi love. In honor of wonderful Bailey...move forward and plan for your new little one! Wishing you best of luck...how exciting!

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