so on my seemingly never-ending search for a corgi, i stumbled upon a local forum website for the city i live in, and the original poster was asking if anyone had any experience in owning a corgi because they were considering the breed.

one of the replies really bothered me...

"I strongly suggest she consider another breed. My friend's mom bought one and the vet said "congratulations. You just bought the most hard headed dog on the planet". He was right. Wouldn't listen for shit, it would get mad and piss all over the place and then it got really mean biting at people etc. It got so bad she had to put the fricker down and it was only around 3 years old."

i find this just terrible and i cant even pinpoint exactly why. perhaps it is because whoever this person is who got the corgi must not have done their homework very well. They obviously didn't stick to training and probably didn't give the dog the attention and exercise it needed. if the dog was acting out so badly it was probably because it had pent up energy that wasn't being released through exercise or mental stimulation. secondly, why would a vet even say that? i'm sure this person was very excited about their new dog and to hit them hard with a statement like that is just discouraging and probably promoted a negative attitude. on top of that, how could the vet be so naive? corgis are one of the smartest breeds around and they are easily trainable (when given the proper time and attention) and from what i've heard they very much want to please their owners. i almost feel like it is the vet's fault. the vet put this idea into the dog owner's head and since the owner clearly wasn't properly educated about the breed, it most likely affected the way she saw and treated the dog. it just makes me really sad. 

how does everyone else feel about this? am i just being crazy, or do others agree?

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Comment by Jennifer Markley on March 12, 2012 at 2:54pm

I totally agree.  I got mad at a co-worker about two weeks ago- she said her newfoundland bit her 18 month old "just out of the blue" so her brother took it out back and shot it.  Anybody who's knows newfies, knows that this isn't a possibility.  Her child was down on the ground, on the dog, and I am positive that her child was given multiple warnings by that newfoundland before it resorted to biting.  But it's always the dog's fault.  People who don't understand dog's language, shouldn't get one.

Comment by Emily & Scout on March 12, 2012 at 2:52pm

It seems to me like the writer was just trying to stir things up... Using bad language and everything just makes him sound even more clueless.

And with the vet I have now, he thinks Scout is awesome compared to other corgis and complimented her on not being wierd about being poked and prodded.  Since I guess corgis don't like to be cornered, and that is what the vet does, I can see where they might have a little reputation, but def. not "the most hard headed dog". 

I think their little stubborn streaks are adorable if handled right.  Gives them so much personality.  And Im with Melvin.  I've loved every corgi I met.

Comment by Melvin Brock on March 12, 2012 at 2:31pm

I have never met a Corgi i didn't like and vise a versa.  I have had many different breeds and the Corgi has to be the best of them all.  Almost all pups raised in a confined area will mess their private area.  If raised with both parents and a family atmosphere will almost always yeald a good pup. All males I have ever had marked anything where another male has been or a female in heat.  The best chance to avoid this is getting them fixed before they become mature. NEVER BUY FROM A PET STORE !!! and make sure the breeder has a good set-up.  

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