To crate or not to crate that is the question

I am a new dog owner and I've heard crating a dog is a good idea while some feel they are cruel...

can someone help me.

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Comment by Roman Trinidad on August 24, 2011 at 1:08am
thanks everyone i feel better now in my decision to purchase a crate. I did kinda feel bad about the whole crating but now I think i have a better understanding. any recommendation on the type of crate there are so many. I was thinking PETCO Home and Travel Portable Canvas Crate? Looks less intimidating to me and doesn't look like a cage...

Comment by Carolyn and Gracie on August 24, 2011 at 1:00am
9 hours is way too long for a puppy alone in a crate. I drove home at lunch to let my baby out to potty and play with her. Your life has to change when you have a puppy. They grow up so quickly. :)
Comment by Chris West on August 24, 2011 at 12:53am

I never crate trained until I got my corgi.  Depends what you want to use it for really.  Google articles, ask your vet for their opinion.  I used to think it was mean, but after researching it, I think it is a good idea.  Here are some past discussions that might help you make a decision.  Congratulations on becoming a dog owner!!

This is a really good one


Anyway, there is lots of information out there, you just have to find it : )

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on August 23, 2011 at 11:46pm
Crate training can be an excellent tool if done properly. It can be very traumatic and cause separation anxiety if you don't do it right though. So if you do decide to crate, take the time to do it right. 9 hours is too long for a puppy to be crated. Lock him in a small space or in your kitchen or bathroom with potty pads/newspaper or whatever and a crate. A pup can't hold it for that long but as he gets older you can crate for longer periods of time. Often dogs love their crates and seek out the safety and confinement of their crates when they want some peace and quiet.
Comment by Roman Trinidad on August 23, 2011 at 11:43pm
Should i crate them when i am at work? 9 hours in a crate too long?
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 23, 2011 at 11:38pm

I say definately crate train!!!


1. Keeps them safe when they cannot be supervised.

2. They like having a place of their own to go and just chill when they want to be left alone. 

3. If you travel, it comes in handy to have them crate trained. 

Dogs like crates, its their den, its not cruel, especially if it keeps them safe!!!

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