I noticed Pooka's toys were coming apart at the stitching (especially since she loves to grab an easy to chomp leg during tug-of-war) and the stuffin was sticking out. Appreciative after seeing so many images of dogs surrounded by the guts of their victims, that Pooka didn't enjoy pulling out stuffing, I decided to try to fend off the habit as long as possible. So, it was time for
Stuffed Animal SURGERY!
I grabbed my sewing kit and picked a thread I had a lot of (red) and went at it. Pooka enjoyed visiting the O.R. and trying to drag whichever patient I was working on, out to play (instead of the already healed patients). When it was over and done (about 4 toys) I was glad I had picked red. The scars looked more like battle wounds that way.
I just figured, she likes these toys, and I spend too much money on her anyways. Anyone else do stuff like this?
This coming from a girl who HATES to iron, and her husband has been begging her to fix his shorts' button for months. (I told him I was up for sewing, yet he couldn't find the shorts, how sad!)
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