So I was reading about how antler chews are a good alternative to meaty bones on the forum, or somewhere, and was just like, hmm, sounds good to me. My dad is a hunter and has been all my life. Most of my friends dad's are hunters. So when I bring this up to them, they're just like "huh, makes sense, I'll give one to my dog".
Cuz the truth of the matter is, there is no shortage of antlers where I come from. White-tail hunting is very common in south Texas, especially amongst those with conservative roots ;) (when I was younger, we had an outdoor cocker spaniel [neurotic] who pretty much always ran around the yard with a dried up lower half of a deers leg in her mouth, complete with hoof and hide)
So I brought it up with my dad and he was just like "oh yeah, go out by that fence over there and just pick one out" =) I had the pick of the litter, so to speak.

Pooka is very happy, it won't splinter, it don't smell, it looks nice and natural and not gross. Now... I just have to watch where I'm stepping...
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