I have all these blog posts I want to write, about her fish pillow, and how I sprayed the yard for fleas/ants and had to take her to my mom's house, but now I have to write about this.

Pooka woke up this morning with a swollen eye, and I felt around and her cheek was swollen too. I checked her teeth for an infection and saw nothing. I gave her half a benadryl, she was fine, she ate all her food, and I asked my husband to stay home with her. He said it got better and she was just a sleepy head from the Benadryl. I was home from class within 2 hours and it had gone down. Then, after letting her out to poop (she had to walk around the WHOLE yard before she'd do it) and she was chewing on her antler while we ate lunch, her nose looked all swollen and red, and within 10 minutes, I noticed one of her cheeks (the opposite from the morning) was also swelling. I gave her another half of Benadryl (it had been 4 hours). I had to leave for class again, and husband has to go to work, but I'll be home soon to check on her.

The problem is, lots of things could be causing it.

On Tuesday, we took Pooka to my mom's house. At 6-7PM I sprayed the front and back yard with a very strong pesticide (my dad gave it to me, some dihydro___?? chemical, its a red liquid you spray with a hose). A night passed. The next morning, it sprinkled. At 5PM, zachary picked up Pooka from my mom's. We avoided putting Pooka or the cat out. To complete the flea removal procedure, I treated both the cat and Pooka with a flea treatment (Frontline or something, I don't remember which one) Pooka has had one of these before with no problem, but it was one the vet gave me vs one my mom bought me, so they may have been different brands. Pooka also now had her antler.

Throughout the evening, Pooka went out on a leash 3 times to try to get her to relieve herself. She sniffed all around, the smell ...worried? interested? her and she wouldn't go. Eventually, on the last time out, she pooped for us. All in all, she was probably outside 10 minutes. I then washed her legs in the bath with soap and water. At this point, we let the cat out, because (according to my husband) he was literally climbing up the walls and freaking out ( I just heard the meowing/screaming).

Come bed time, I put her in the crate with the antler chew and she chewed on it for at least 30 minutes (hard to sleep) and then I don't know.


It could be the pesticide (my number one pick. It is raining hard/thunderstorming today, so hopefully it will wash away)
It could be the antler (has anyone heard of dogs being allergic to antlers? There could be something on the antler?)
It could be her (or the cats) flea treatment (she plays with the cat some, or she could have scratched her own, and then scratched her face/licked her paw)
It could be something she ate at my parents (they aren't very careful with food and stuff on the floor)


We will be keeping the antler away from her for at least 3 days. We will try to get her to use the restroom on walks (poor neighbors). If she goes in our yard and still gets it, its probably that. If not, but it comes back if we give her the antler, its that. I'll post results.

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Comment by GoGoRainbow on March 26, 2009 at 8:37pm
She is now 24 weeks old, her last shots were in her 16th week (last vet visit). Her Rabies shot was during her 12th week.
Comment by Libby and Dyddy!! on March 26, 2009 at 6:06pm
When was her last rabies show/visit to the vet? What a poor little pumpkin head. Such a cutie.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 26, 2009 at 5:13pm
Poor little thing! At first I wondered if she poked her eye with the antler (the ones we buy have the sharp points filed down) but then you said the other side was affected too, so I don't know.

Do you still have the container that the pesticide comes in? See if you can find it. There should be a number to call with concerns about reactions. Call and tell them what is going on with Pooka. Maybe they have seen this before.
Comment by Corgibyassociation on March 26, 2009 at 4:30pm
It could be a bug bite or allergies in general. I really doubt that its the antler if she's had it before or recently without problems.

Hope she feels better!
Comment by Tauna and Kota on March 26, 2009 at 4:27pm
I'm so sorry!!! Hope she gets better soon!

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