I won a free obedience class recently and today was my first class in basic obedience. I took Rosie and during the class Rosie was doing pretty good, but she got to barking and I kept trying to get her to settle down, but Rosie always barks when she gets overly excited. Towards the end of the class the instructor yelled that Rosie was pissing her off. So I took Rosie out of the ring and we left. I understand that Rosie's barking was annoying, but I was trying my best to get her to settle down. I also saw someone in the class with a german shepard who must have done something wrong because she jerked her dog, rolled him on the ground and then put her knee on him. I actually thought she was going to hit that poor dog. The dog looked confused and scared to death. The instructor also said that if your dog is in your favorite chair and you don't want him in it, you should say get your a** out of my chair. There were small children sitting around watching. I thought the instructor was out of line. Rosie knows basic obedience but in order to put her in agility, you have to attend a basic obedience class. I guess we won't be doing agility because they are the only one in the area that teaches it. Did I over react when I walked out? Should I have stayed?

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Comment by Buddy & Wynstan on January 16, 2010 at 2:54pm
Sounds to me like that trainer needs to go to a basic obedience class. Who the hell is she to say that a dog is annoying her. Is it not her job to help out with that? She sounds like Machiavelli of dog trainers, getting out of there was a good idea. Everyone should have gotten out there. If I was that German Shepherd's owner, I don't know what I would do, there is no reason to scare a dog like, especially if you are the trainer

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