I just received an email from an orthopedic surgeon friend who had chronic back and leg pain. He wrote that he started taking 2 turmeric capsules and "cannot believe how much this has taken away my leg pain. This is best I have felt in over a decade and it has taken my limp away. I am usually a huge skeptic of these kind of treatment. It has only been a week and I know it may be placebo, but this has been very dramatic. So far, I have not had any side effects...Look it up in Wikipedia before you try it."


I wondered if any members have tried turmeric capsules with similar results and also if turmeric could be safely used as a supplement for Corgis suffering from chronic back pain.



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Comment by Kelly on July 17, 2011 at 8:14pm
Thanks for the tip Anna. My four year-old Rhys (the tri-colored Cardigan in the foreground) has had several medical problems but he has an iron stomach.  My sweet eleven year-old Annie, (black and white on the left) is showing her age.  Although the vet says she's very healthy, she's had a few potty accidents, she wanders off because she forgets where she is, and prefers to just watch games and activities rather than participate.  I'll try dividing the pill dosage and let you know what happens.     
Comment by Anna Morelli on July 17, 2011 at 7:51pm

Thanks Kelly for the excellent info. As for your older dog, I was recently given a medication for my 12 yr.old female who was occasionally incontinent.  She quit eating after a couple of days, so I reduced then medicine first to one half, then to one quarter and kept that as her maintenance dose, it both solved the problem she was having and she's had no more stomach upset.  You may try opening the capsule and giving her half the amount.  These seniors don't need as much as their younger counterparts.

Comment by Kelly on July 17, 2011 at 7:20pm

Hi Anna, the dosage is made for cats or dogs, one capsule a day per 25 lbs, which is 50 mg of active ingredients.  On the bottle it also says not to give to pregnant or animals intended for breeding, and that safety during nursing has not been proven.  The vet told me that one side effect could be nausea.  I gave the medicine to my 4 year-old male and he's been fine, but when I gave it to my 11 year-old female she threw up the next morning.  The product is called Curcu VET-SA50 from Thorne Research in Idaho (800-228-1966). 

Comment by Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) on July 17, 2011 at 12:00pm
@bev L:Yep,Dr.Oz did a special on it.We went to Whole Foods to get some,all was gone already!!I have both corgis on Glucosamine (plus Me).Please keep Me posted.Merlin has His 2 yr checkup and shots soon,so I'll also see what Our Vet thinks.He's usually very open to new things.
Comment by Anna Morelli on July 17, 2011 at 11:56am
@Wendy, very interesting post  :-)
Comment by Anna Morelli on July 17, 2011 at 11:42am
@ Kelly: What dose of Turmeric was prescribed or your Corgi?  It is always tricky when trying to apply people information to other species, and even for people the information is hard to sift through.
Comment by Jane Christensen on July 17, 2011 at 1:10am
WOW....sounds like something I would like to try!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on July 16, 2011 at 10:50pm
@Kelly - Please keep me posted. My Corgi Rookie had disc disease and surgery. I couldn't help but think of Rookie and other Corgis when my friend emailed me about turmeric capsules and pain relief. Good luck to you and Rhys. I hope Rhys benefits from turmeric as my friend has!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on July 16, 2011 at 10:47pm

@Bev - Dr. Oz mentioned turmeric on his anti-aging check list. He also said arthritis sufferers may find relief using turmeric and reported that tumeric may help prevent Alzheimer's disease. So guess I better go out and buy some....


PS But, I mainly thought about our Corgis who often suffer with arthritis and back problems.

Comment by Kelly on July 16, 2011 at 10:38pm

I read your comment about turmeric and had to comment.  My four year-old Corgi, Rhys, has intervertibral disc disease.  His regular vet just said to take him out of physical activities...and that's all I could do for him.  Last week I got a second opinion from a vet out of Spokane, WA.  She suggested I give vitamins "for active dogs prone to sports injuries" (from Thorne Research, Inc) as well as turmeric.  Although he's only been on it for a week I'm hopeful that this will enable him to enjoy a more comfortable, and active life.  I'll let you know if it works!

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