First thanks everyone for all your good thoughts, wishes and prayers because they worked!!!!!! Fran, our vet called me at 9:45 this morning to tell me that her surgery was very hoo hum, boring just the way she likes them to be. No problems of any type plus Sami was already lifting her head up looking around and trying to stand up when she called. I dropped her off at about 7:15 (that's when they took her back, uugghh). Sami weighed in at 18.2 lbs.! I got to work at 7:30 and did not get out until 5:30, swung by the house got hubby and we made it to the vets at just a little after 6, visiting is between 6 and 7 pm, and you can stay the whole hour. Man was I ever happy to see my Sassy Samantha, her little nub was going a million miles an hour. We got her out of her cage, by the way they are big, roomy and have big cushy pillow beds in them, she was so happy to see us. She is moving very well, wanted to explore a little but kept running back to us. Everyone thinks that she is just the most awesome beautiful corgi they have ever seen, of course we know she is he he! We took her "Wormy" and of course a chocolate (carob) chip cookie and one of her apple oatmeal cookies. Because she was opened up they will keep her over night I will call at 9:00 am (they really think I'm gonna wait that long, how cute:) to see when I can go get her in the morning. Her incision looked really small, was a little red of course but not hot or even a bit warm, her nose was cold and wet and those eyes were clear as could be. She didn't like us leaving and my honey being the smart man that he is didn't say a word for a full five minutes after we left, he knows I hate to cry and gave me the time I needed not to blubber like an idiot when I spoke. Again thanks for all your concerned thoughts and wishes they truly mean a lot.

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Comment by ZdogZ on July 8, 2009 at 3:02pm
I knew it would go great! Now for the fun part...keeping her from running and jumping! Glad you all survived.
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 8, 2009 at 8:04am
nice :) Especially Carob chip cookie.... yum!
Comment by Boo Buchheit on July 8, 2009 at 5:46am
Good for Sami, what a trooper. Pleased that all is well and soon she will be home again.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on July 8, 2009 at 12:25am
Glad to hear everything went great, its always a relief when anything big is done and over.
Comment by Adriana, Henry, & Catherine on July 7, 2009 at 10:58pm
Henry and I are so glad to hear that Sami is doing great. I too would have issues leaving my little Henry overnight. At least you get to pick her up tomorrow and she will be home with you then. =)

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