I am so proud of Sage tonight. She hasn't been able to come to work with me all week as we have a new person who moved in and this person has MS. Today was Sage's first chance to meet the person and Sage did wonderful. She listened and was perfectly behaved when near this person. Actually after a few hours the person wanted Sage to move in (I had to say "no" but she can visit often:) Although we haven't started formal training for Therapy Dog we will do one more obedience class and then test for CGC and therapy dog in late spring. She is well on her way to bringing people joy and lending a big ear to those who are missing their own homes and or pets:)

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Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on January 22, 2011 at 8:31am
I just spent a week in the hospital and I can tell you that I thought of Sage and therapy corgis, and how nice it would have been to be able to have a furry visitor to make me feel better.  Sage had such a super personality when we were there, I am sure she will make an awesome little cheerer-upper.  We are very proud of her, and can't wait to hear more of her adventures as Super Sage Therapy Corgi!
Comment by Jennifer Markley on January 22, 2011 at 8:20am
Good for you guys!!  That is awesome!  Sage is such a sweet girl, I can't see you having any problems getting her to do pet therapy.  Amber has been working with Jackson alot on his sit/stays so we can hopefully start class with him in the spring.  He does the "come" command pretty well....gets all perky and just runs full speed to get to you!

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