Hmmmm… how do I start this. I guess with a short story about a comment that was made to us when we were at the beach with Soffie and Griffyn last week. A man on the beach with his dog inquired to us as to what breed of dogs we had. When we told him Pembroke Welsh Corgis he replied… Really?? Aren’t they usually FAT?!!!

Sad but true I’m afraid…. So I am going to post a link at the end of this blog and hope that some if not all who read this blog will read the article attached and recognize whether their own corgis just might be overweight.

As many of you may know, Soffie suffered a partial acl tear one year ago. Fortunately we avoided surgery. But, at the time the orthopedic specialist examined her she point blank told us her weight (39 lbs) was a contributing factor to this type of injury. And instructed us to put her on a diet where she could lose 10 pounds!! We took her instruction very seriously and that very day put Soffie on a strict diet. And as some of you also know, over the course of this past year she lost that 10 lbs!

I read so many blog posts and discussions started here on about … possible acl injuries, limping, hip problems ( I know that there’s nothing we can do if it is a genetic issue ). I can’t help but wonder how many could have been avoided simply by weight control.

I’ve also read many blogs and discussions asking about “how much should my corgi weigh?” “Is my corgi overweight?” “How much should I feed my corgi??” “Do green beans really help??”

I have watched so many videos of corgis on You Tube etc… and honestly I am so amazed at just how many “chubby”, “hefty” downright “obese” corgis there are!! So….. I guess that man on the beach in Venice isn’t too far off in his perception!!

Anyway…. I hope that my post doesn’t offend anyone here. I hope you all understand that I write this out of concern and love. And with hopes that when you read this article you will take a look and your beloved corgis and do what is best for them.

Here is the link ~~~>

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Comment by Roxy B on November 4, 2010 at 11:26am
I have actually read this article before! Not sure where I found since it but ever since I have tried so hard to keep her weight down. She got fixed this summer and I think that might have something to do with her 4 pound gain. *sigh* When my grandparents had her (for her first 6 years of life) they used to feed her low grade kibble with grease drippings on it... needless to say she weighed 43 pounds for a long time. She's been very close to a normal weight with us, and I think we can get there again once the trial and error process with a new food is finished.
Comment by Pat Grissett on September 26, 2010 at 9:42pm
Thanks for the blog and the link! We do need to get our Sophie's weight down some. She has lost a couple of pounds and now is at approx. 33 lbs. but I want to see her get to around 30. Max is a much bigger Corgi--he is at least an inch longer or more and a good 1 1/2 inches taller so his weight is understandable. I have had people ask if Sophie is pregnant. That one kills me. So, keep on blogging! I'm always open to good info.
Comment by Carole and Sophie on September 26, 2010 at 6:37pm
I so enjoyed reading your blog page here. Thank you for giving me the link on our blog. That is wonderful you got 10 pounds off of your Soffie - whew! Congratulations! We are on our way!
Comment by Kimberlie on September 3, 2010 at 4:12pm
Good point Alice and Odin, i have two that are night and day like the two i your photo, and the weight is not in the number it is the about of fat over the bone. My one is heaver, eats more, runs less yet is skinner and fitting than my other one, he just happends to be bigger boned he is 2" longer muzzle is 1" bigger chest 2.5" bigger 1"taller paw is 3/4" bigger. They are from the same litter. So just saying a dog is over weight by lb doesn't meen anything, every dog even if they are same breed, sex, litter will have a different ideal lbs amount, not all vets will recognize that. When we took Rhun in to get neutered at a different vet the vet said he was over weight. if he lost any weight you would see rib. Sure my one is 4lb heaver but he is skinner and fitter.

You can onlyguide is how the corgi feels. Another great example is my cat (RIP) was 16lb ya that sounds alot since most cats are what 6-8lb well guess what he wasn't overweight vet even said that if his weight went under 15lb you could probably start seeing ribs.
Comment by Beth on September 3, 2010 at 3:05pm
Alison, I have a big one too! When Jack and Maddie stand on all fours, he doesn't look that much bigger than her. But when they stand on their hind legs, front paws on the sofa back, to bark at something outside, he's a good head taller (longer) than she is. He's very thin at 33 or 34 pounds. I keep him on the skinny end of his "good" weight because we do agility. He looked ok at 38 pounds and fabulous at 36 pounds, and at 33 we have people volunteering that he looks thin to them. So don't worry about your 35 pound guy!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on September 3, 2010 at 11:49am
oh, oh..... before things start to turn in another direction.... I just want to say again I posted out of concern and love. And obviously different bone structures will preclude different weights.

Soffie is tall but she was definitely overweight too. (not to say that many other tall corgis are also overweight) We probably would never have done anything about that had she not injured herself. But now that we can look back ..... we know that we had done the wrong thing by Soffie. And we were happy that we were able to prevent Griffyn from becoming overweight too.

The article I linked to is a "guideline" what each of us gets from that will be individual. And when we all look at our corgis I hope we make the right decision for them. Disease, genetics, injuries are things we can't control. What and how we feed our corgis absolutely is in our control.
Comment by Suse Scheimreif on September 3, 2010 at 11:18am
The breed is known as overeaters, some people just give in and feed away. It is an ongoing battle with Corgis. Your pups are perfect, stop it!
Comment by Alison w/ Odin and Dashel on September 3, 2010 at 10:18am
I have stopped stressing over Odins weight. He is a good 35-36 lbs...That number alone makes him seem/sound fat, but he is not. Like a few others on here, our corgis are just taller and longer.

The smaller corgi is 22lbs and the bigger one is Odin. I control his food like crazy since I was so paranoid he was "fat"...
Comment by John Wolff on September 3, 2010 at 12:55am
I believe you need to control a corgi's diet ruthlessly.
I think at least some aerobic exercise every day helps. We clandestinely poach on a no-dogs-allowed playground where they chase their soccer ball until they're winded.
Gwynnie is 21 lbs. Al is now 26 lbs. Some time back, he faked a vet call; the kickback was the vet telling us he was a bit underweight at 24 lbs., so we increased both their rations a bit.
OTOH, there's another corgi in the neighborhood who's considerably bigger than Al, and who can say? Is he overweight, or simply a bigger physique? He certainly seems to have more "bone" than Al, a solid fellow.
Comment by Jane Christensen on September 3, 2010 at 12:48am
I often run into people who either have corgis and say "mine don't look like yours" meaning exactly that theirs look much heavier.I do try to teach at that point that mine are exactly where they should be weight wise. I think this is a huge problem for many owners.

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