Hello all :) well after ten long and scary hours I am finally home with my second and final furbaby. Halfway there my truck decides to stop working and halfway back home it does it again. With Gods blessing we barely made it home and although my first vehicle is now probably gone we can only hope this little guy was worth all the trouble! Chancey my six month old was a little snotty at first but she's all warmed up now although a little too rough when she plays. Copper is learning his name and runs as fast as his chubby legs will allow when we call him haha right now he's the size of a very large guinea pig so he can't run very fast! However, he was just weaned a week ago he is six week and really whines up a storm. I hate hearing it its agony :( I found out today when I finally had a chance to look at him that he was completely covered in fleas and his ears were so clogged with discharge. This is now one ticked off momma! I did my best with dawn and hydrocortisone lotion and put a small amount of topical flea meds for puppies on him and he seems better, less crying oh and o cleaned his ears and teeth. Now all that left is to trim his nails and try to cuddle him as much as I can! He cries a lot in the night and I try swaddling him which works for about ten minutes. Is there anything else I can do for his whining or is this normal infant corgi behavior that he will grow out of? I'm sure he misses his biological mom terribly right now :(

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Comment by Beth on May 5, 2012 at 3:13pm

Welcome Copper!  Hope all goes well.   WIth good care he's sure to overcome his less-than-ideal start.  

Comment by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 4, 2012 at 3:57pm

Welcome Copper! We are glad that you have a mom that knows what she's doing!! Congrats!!

Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 4, 2012 at 3:28pm
Thankfully my vet scheduled and emergency check up for him at five tomorrow, I feel relief now! Let's hope he's a-ok besides some slight skin irritation.
Comment by rae on May 4, 2012 at 2:47pm

Oh my god, just read about the fleas and all that craziness...poor puppy!!!  I hope it works out for you, and he gets treatment soon!

Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on May 3, 2012 at 3:42pm

Definitely his young age is the reason for the whining. Having an older dog with him will help though. You can get an old fashioned wind up clock that ticks and wrap it in a towel for him to cuddle against. That's what they did in the good ol' days to make puppies stop whining.

Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 3, 2012 at 2:54pm
Okay guys let me explain. The breeder said she needed to get rid of the pups because she was moving. We have been waiting for a red and white for a year now so I decided to take him. Well I'm a pet care specialist but I was having truck problems so I was worried about getting us all home. Today he was whining incessantly and I couldn't figure out why so I picked him up and wow...I was shocked. Fleas. Millions. And ear discharge was so gross it took four pads in EACH ear. The nails on his paws were curled under so I trimmed them too. Both my pups are on insurance and I'm trying to work with the doctor to get him seen ASAP. I don't even wanna take him outside. It's been bad but I cleaned him up as best as I could. I was told he was eight but as soon as I saw him she said just turned six. Even eight was young for me so I hesitated. But really this guy could have only ended up on a house that had no clue what they were doing or was an impulse buyer. I had to make due for him. My girl was ten when we got her so I'm aware of the age and I'm hoping since she is young she can help him with socialization. Just prayers guys this little guy must have had it rough! He's home now :)
Comment by rae on May 3, 2012 at 2:29pm

Did the breeder agree to 6 weeks? That's pretty young for any pet (even cats) and most of the socialization takes place between 8-10/12 weeks.  We've actually written off any breeder that suggests an 8 week pickup, as weeks 10-12 are most important for development and such.

Poor little guy, I hope he's ok.  Actually, having another dog around may help him a little. And I agree, vet ASAP.

Comment by Ellen Andersen on May 3, 2012 at 11:55am

Whooops, I see you posted pics!  I'm such a dork.

Comment by Ellen Andersen on May 3, 2012 at 11:54am

I second what Emily says...he's awful young to be separated from Momma BUT I think he's in really good hands now, so it'll be good.  I would highly recommend taking him for a vet check asap (next very few days, if at all possible)...it's just a good policy for any new pup.  Poor little fellow's been through alot the last couple of days but he's soon adjust.

Congrats on the new little one and yes, we need pics!

Comment by Emily & Scout on May 3, 2012 at 11:51am

I wonder why the breeder released him at 6 weeks.... Usually for corgis, it is like 8-10 weeks before they get to go home (I've seen as much as 12).  This may be the reason he is whiney.  He is naturally supposed to be with his littermates for another 2 weeks

That being said, I think he will grow out of it.  And I'm sure not being covered with fleas and ear discharge is a HUGE relief to the poor little guy.  Any pictures?

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