Hey Hey everyone, i gots a question for ya! Ok well my Dini is a troubled girl as some of you know and she is dog agressive. We have had to buy a muzzle for Baloos protection and other dog visitors, and now even on a walk she attacked another dog we met, and so my dad now want to keep the muzzle on at all time except to eat! Do any of you know why she might be this way and how to get her to stop, cause i really don't think keeping a muzzle on her for the rest of her life is the best thing. I understand that she came from a bad owner in the past but now that she is happy i don't see why shes still this way, i know the whole insicure thing, and territorial is a posibility in her case, but attacking out on walks now is a little odd.

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Comment by Beth on January 9, 2010 at 11:06am
I just read further on your page and also see she was in pain/discomfort for some time before you got her, and that could also have given her poor associations with other dogs. Poor thing!
Comment by Beth on January 9, 2010 at 11:04am
I read your profile and see she has one eye. She may feel vulnerable and it may affect her depth perception, which might make her touchy. Also I see you got her from a bad breeder. She sure is lucky you found her! I don't know how old she was when you got her, but if she missed the critical socialization period (up to 16 weeks of age) or had poor experiences then, she might not really understand dog language very well and may be misreading regular greeting behaviors as threats. I agree a behaviorist might be able to help you lessen the behavior, or at least learn how to keep her protected from situations where someone might get hurt. Good luck!
Comment by Jay on January 7, 2010 at 1:24pm
thanks for the help i will try to find a behaviorist.
Comment by Alice on January 7, 2010 at 11:40am
I agree that bringing in a professional would be the best choice at this point. I know with such things money can be an issue but if you can save for it I think it would be greatly beneficial.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on January 7, 2010 at 11:10am
The best thing to do is to find a good dog behaviorist and have private sessions. Look into dog training places in your area and read reviews. Find the best you can afford. Private sessions can be costly.
Watch It's me or the Dog on Animal Planet, the trainer Victoria Stilwell helps people wih all kinds of dog problems, and dog aggression is a vero common one.
There are a lot of techniques that help, but the main focus is to prevent rather than stop aggression when it's already happening. You'll need to learn to distract your dog from others with treats or exercises and then teach her that other dogs are not a threat to her.
Hope you can find somebody in your area who can help you. Good luck!
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 7, 2010 at 10:23am
A dog will take over the leader's job if she feels nothing is being done in the situation, in this case she is taking ownership of you and protecting you on your behalf. A muzzle is not the answer, get a good trainer and they will be able to observe and teach you how to train her react in those situation.
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 7, 2010 at 1:18am
I think we need much more info. Do you have other dogs? Is she aggressive to you or others in the house? My 1st thought is she needs a behaviorist or some one to help her and you through this. A leash in the house...yes but I would hate to see this dog that already has been abused living her life with a muzzle on. Can you explain more of what she does at home to even consider this? Can/do you have a exercise fence or a gate that she can be put in when you can't be watching her or teaching her? This will take time! How long have you had her? She needs to learn new ways to cope and behave!

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