Well it's now wintertime here in Sydney Australia Oscar and Sam love it as they can laze around the house in front of the fire and do nothing!. Oscar has his heater pad under his dog rug on his trampoline bed Sam has his doona which he snuggles under!. As yet not a lot of rain so we are able to go for our walks in the park. We are hoping our house sells quickly before the wet weather sets in and I'm pushing my Partner Paul for a single level home as I notice with Oscar now over 10 he stands at the bottom of the stairs now and I carry him up and down now!. He shows no signs of limping or anything I think he is just over the stairs now!. Sam goes bounding up them and you can see the look in Oscars eyes he wants to follow but it's like it is all too much!. He still thinks he's a puppy but his body is telling him he is not!.

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