Ugh. I swear this dog eats everything under the sun and actually LIKES it. We have a dachshund who always keeps nose to the ground looking for food morsels but won't touch it if it's not some kind of man made processed food, so we're used to looking out for dropped bits of donuts and chicken and things... but I swear Blaidd would pass up even the tastiest piece of chicken for mulch and rocks. I was so happy. It'd been weeks since we'd been woken up between 3 and 5 am to a puking dog. And then last night the dummy decided he was going to swallow another whole wood chip. He knows "drop it" and, well, sometimes listens to "leave it" but apparently this was the world's tastiest wood chip and he swallowed it whole before either the hubby or I could get to him to try and pry it out of his mouth when "drop it" didn't work. Sigh. He had a brief spat of picking up those little plastic tips from cigars and trying his damnedest to swallow them. I think we've had a "flavor of the week" every week since we got him - pine cones, sticks, mulch, rocks, stink bugs, hay. And of course chinchilla poop is a delicacy. Recently he's starting trying to peel relatively fresh chewing gum off of the sidewalks. But for some reason we haven't gotten past the mulch obsession. I don't know what it is about it, but it sure must be tasty. 

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Comment by Vicky Hay on January 9, 2014 at 7:07pm

LOL! Dogs are even weirder than humans, aren't they?

Mercifully, Cassie the Corgi was a grown dog when I retrieved her from the dog pound. Guess she'd gotten beyond the most colorful of doggie cravings, though she does still enjoy cat you-know-what.

Previous dawgs have evinced a taste for horse you-know-what, something that always mystified me because about all that could be in it is pre-digested grass or grain feed. {????} 

One of the oddest delicacies ALL the doggie pals here have loved is raw olives. Lots of olive trees grow around here -- a supposed Swann nonfruiting olive in the front courtyard drops a bushel or two of the things at this time of year. Untreated olives are soooo alkaline and bitter! Ugh! But Cassie, like all the other pooches in my long former life, is drawn to them. She picks them up, chews off the "meat," and ptooies out the pit.


Comment by Beth on January 7, 2014 at 10:14am
Mine eat mulch and oak bark that falls from trees. I have given up trying to stop them. They usually WILL "leave it" if I tell them to, but honestly it gets tiring walking through a wooded park and telling them to "leave it" all time. They chew it and it's soft, so it hasn't caused any issues.
Comment by Sirius_Blaidd_Cardis on January 6, 2014 at 8:13pm

Marcie - Will definitely keep trying! I'm still crossing my fingers he never picks up the poop habit though :) It's just sooooo hard to keep up with the eating sometimes. I swear his tongue never leaves the ground. Sometimes, unfortunately, he gets to stuff before I even have a chance to spot it. Only way we know he got something for sure is the tell-tale lick of the lips after he's swallowed it

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 6, 2014 at 7:27pm

Linda....someday I will go back to using mulch...I have to redo my flower beds next year....maybe I will try again. I have a rescue that eats poop:( I truly believe that she survived by eating other dogs poo in the puppy mill she came from,...she's such a sweetheart and must have been so abused.

Comment by Marcie on January 6, 2014 at 4:53pm

Becca didn't discover dog poo as a delicacy until she was close to two. Cat poo is even better as far as she is concerned. She can be walking perfectly, stick her head in a snowbank and come out with a poopscicle. "Leave it" works for everything else. She will leave a piece of meat alone, poo less than 50 % of the time. I have to constantly be alert on our walks. Keep practicing "leave it" , and hopefully he will grow out of the habit.

Comment by Sirius_Blaidd_Cardis on January 6, 2014 at 1:41pm

So glad he isn't a dog poop eater at least! Gross! Or at least he hasn't discovered other dogs' poop yet as a snack.. Hopefully it stays that way since not too many people in our town actually seem to take their dogs out for walks (a lot of pitbulls in fenced yards. Everyone around know us to see us when we go out cause we have the "cute puppy with the huge ears" lol) The mulch isn't in our yard so I don't know what kind it is :/ That kind of worries me. It is a real dark color. We might have to avoid walking in front of our Rita's stand from now on :(

Comment by Linda on January 6, 2014 at 12:52pm

Jane...yours sound like mine minus the chicken poop.  Yes, that "cocoa" mulch will kill a dog.  I use pine mulch and so far they have been ok but I don't think they eat that much.

Shauna....both mine on walks are the same way.  Katie loves other dog's poop and Max will test anything he finds on the ground.  Katie I can manage because she uses a collar but Max can only be walked with a harness so he gets the jump on me before I can stop him.  And he knows leave it and drop up like he knows his own name.  Good luck.

Comment by Amy & Corky on January 6, 2014 at 12:47pm

Oh geez- Corky is the same way. It's definitely worse when he's hungry. Basically, on a 20 minute walk he is eating the whole time- mostly sticks, wood chips, maple tree helicopters, and the like. We have our first appointment with a trainer this month, so fingers crossed!

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 6, 2014 at 12:43pm

Chicken poop is the "food to eat" around here, bird seed that gets thrown out of the feeders, cat poop and the crunchy June bugs:(  I don't even try with the chicken poop cuz it's a lost cause. Be very careful if the chips are cocoa bean chips as I believe they can kill a dog. I quite using wood chips several years ago due to the same reason...

Good luck....I know how frustrating this can be! 

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