So since it's really cold out and I had to do some shopping I left the dogs home the other day (saves me having to try to bury the groceries when I get out of the car). Sunny and Gizmo each have their own kennel and we have started to leave Zim alone since he has been trustworthy. I figured at the most he would have shredded some paper or maybe had an accident (he adores shredding paper so it wouldn't surprise me). What I came home to was beyond anything I could have imagined. He had gotten into my crochet/knitting basket and pulled out every skein of yarn in it (about 15). It looks like he then proceeded to unravel my work and fling it all over the house. There was yarn wrapped around table legs, chair legs the coffee table, yarn balls behind the couch, yarn balls in the toy box...yarn yarn EVERYWHERE!! I spent about 8 hours rolling my yarn back up. It looked like he had a raging party with the cats. Everybody said I should have set up a camera because he must have been throwing them (he loves to do this with balls) and I could have sent it to America's Funniest Videos. What a toad. Now he seems addicted to my yarn- he keeps walking in and trying to slip it out of my basket...Oh yeah, needless to say, I bought another kennel-

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Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on November 18, 2008 at 12:34pm
LOL!! I understand your feelings pretty well. I used to crate Nala, and for a couple of days I ran errands in less than an hour. But... one day... I was received by all the stuffing material of my cushions all over the living room. And Nala with looking at me with the "cutest" face ever, like saying, "do you like my decorating ideas?" or "want to join the fun?" She is now left in an enclosed area of the kitchen, with all her toys. I will leave her free again probably in a couple of years.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 16, 2008 at 9:20pm
Oh my gosh, I as laughing at the thought of the sight that greeted you! I'm so sorry all your work was destroyed though. HOw long did it take him to do this? I don't think I'll be leaving Sidney with free reign (age 16 months) for quite a while yet!
Comment by Wynne Phillips on November 16, 2008 at 7:20pm
I'm sorry for the mess but that is a FUNNY story! I can just picture him unraveling everything! Fortunately, Gus has always been very good in our absence, but I think it will be years, if ever, before we trust Pearl out of the crate when we are gone!
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on November 16, 2008 at 6:14pm
LOL!! Sorry to laugh but that is a very funny story!! It must have been a big mess to clean up. I never crated Lola so it was always a surprise when I got home from work. Once it was a whole roll of paper towels, once she took all the blankets off my bed (including the sheets!!), and the worst was when she chewed and pulled the corners off the area rug in the hall. haha She is much more behaved now and she doesn't ruin anything. Hope you can trust him again sometime =)

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