AkMotleyGal's Blog (11)

Too Cute!

My Aunt and Uncle just got back from Europe, and from England they brought me a stuffed corgi...it's wearing a crown and purple cape! It's so adorable I can barely stand it. Now to put it somewhere the real ones won't get a hold of it...I'm sure they'd love to "play" with the new pup!

Added by AkMotleyGal on May 12, 2010 at 2:44am — 14 Comments

First Overnight Trip

We took our first overnight trip in almost 11 years this weekend and that meant the boys went on their first overnight trip also. We found a pet friendly hotel and off we went on a 5 hour road trip. They always do well in the car but I was worried (since they are both big on barking at unknown noises at home) how well they would do in a hotel. They make such an impression everywhere they go that the minute we went to walk through the lobby people wanted to pet them. They have met very few… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on March 21, 2010 at 9:15pm — No Comments

Zim Update

Sorry I haven't been on much this week with updates, things just looked so bad I couldn't bring myself to type it. As of yesterday afternoon, all the test weren't showing anything and he wasn't eating, still puking with the meds they had given him, he was loosing his hair, had lost 4 pounds this week and even after being admitted and given an IV I was trying to prepare myself for his death. Preparing my kids for the same was one of the hardest things I've ever done. This morning he woke up… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on August 13, 2009 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments

Zim Is Sick

My boy is so sick. The vets are doing all they can to try to figure out why he is vomiting and has diarrhea with traces of blood. So far they are ruling out blockages, the pancreas and his gall bladder, they have now sent stool samples to the lab to test for Giardia. He won't eat, he hasn't eaten in days, he is drinking so that's a plus. They prescribed food for him that he won't get near. I am trying to be strong for my kids (who are stressed out) but every time I look at him I just want to… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on August 8, 2009 at 3:32pm — 27 Comments

Long Time No Visit :)

Wow, seems like forever since I've been here. Life has a way of getting busy and things get lost in the tussle. Sunny made it through his first winter and loved it. He likes to play "snow plow" just like his big brother. It's so hard getting those two inside, they love the snow so much. Both are doing so well but it amazes me how two full brothers out of different litters can be SO different. Zim always seems like such a grown up and Sunny (who just turned a year old last Thursday) still seems… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on June 23, 2009 at 1:12pm — No Comments

Zim Vs. Yarn

So since it's really cold out and I had to do some shopping I left the dogs home the other day (saves me having to try to bury the groceries when I get out of the car). Sunny and Gizmo each have their own kennel and we have started to leave Zim alone since he has been trustworthy. I figured at the most he would have shredded some paper or maybe had an accident (he adores shredding paper so it wouldn't surprise me). What I came home to was beyond anything I could have imagined. He had gotten… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on November 16, 2008 at 4:43pm — 4 Comments

Zim's 1st Birthday!!

One year ago my Zim was born!! I can't even imagine not having him now. He is so wonderful. He got up this morning and celebrated by eating Gizmo's dog bed. After that we went and got his birthday cake that was made by the local dog store (they make their own treats, carry good dog food and toys...his favorite store- he LOVES them), picked out a new toy and came home to celebrate. He loved his cake (which he shared with his brother and Gizmo but he… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on October 22, 2008 at 8:12pm — 5 Comments

Puppy Kindergarten

First- thank you for your concern and ideas with what happened to Sunny yesterday. I will be taking this up with a "higher" authority since it seems like Animal Control isn't doing anything. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have affected his potty training- he went right to the door and sat down when he has had to go potty today! Yippee!!

Sunny had his first puppy kindergarten today and it went really well. He is about a week older then they usually let in, so he was the oldest there. They… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on October 19, 2008 at 2:00am — No Comments


Had a frustrating day today. My puppy Sunny (who is rather shy when it comes to other dogs he doesn't know) got attacked by my neighbors dog who had gotten off her line. Sunny was going potty and here comes the dog right on top of him. My daughter got her off Sunny before Sunny had a chance to be hurt- he was just terrified. I've never heard a dog make the noise he made- it was like a scream. We deal with this all the time (their agressive dogs getting off their lines) and it seems like there… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on October 18, 2008 at 2:42am — 6 Comments


Zim loves horses. I take him out to the ranch where him and Sunny's mom lives and he starts whining before we even get to the place. He is usually fairly mellow but he gets so excited the minute we pull into the driveway- it's so cute. He gets to hang out and run around with his mom while learning to do what he is bred to do while I get ready to go riding. It's so amazing to watch. I feel for the horses as soon as Sunny gets big enough- watch out, 3 corgis and a bossipoo on the loose (the… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on August 30, 2008 at 4:17am — No Comments

A New Baby

Our family is proud to welcome our new addition: Sourdoughs Sunny Day aka Sunny. He is a cute little red and white ball of fluff that is brother to my other wonder corgi Zim!!

Added by AkMotleyGal on August 25, 2008 at 6:48pm — 4 Comments

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