Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 1:03pm on May 4, 2011, Mike and Mary said…
Cory is feeling much better! thanks for your concerns!
At 10:25am on May 2, 2011, Diane M. Stefani said…
I think I sent you a comment via facebook in error.  I don't use facebook and don't know how to take it back which probably can't be done.  Abigail Rose would know how, however, she is having her breakfast and can't help me.  Your pictures are wonderful and directly describe the breed and how they "hang out".  Abigail Rose is not really into other dogs, just mostly people being a therapy dog, she is mostly around hospitals and care facilities.  We just joined Curves, of all things, and she will be going with me for a new experience and hopefully the exercise will help my back and her weight.  She will be five this month and my husband feeds her human food when I am not looking and her weight is too much.  I will have to learn to add pictures to this and send you some.  We took some wonderful ones at church yesterday with a two month old, five year old, and three year old children.  They just about wore Abigail Rose out running in the parking lot after everyone left.  I work with the disabled community so she is with me a lot.
At 2:02pm on May 1, 2011, Wes & Meghan said…
I was looking online for pups in my area and found Wes in PA. I couldn't resist his beautiful face and when i went to visit him I had to have him :)
At 3:39am on May 1, 2011, karen nguyen said…
Wendy, Thanks for the warm welcome! I've had Boomer for several months now and I've only recently thought to connect with the corgi community and I'm happy I did. Your corgi's are adorable - I love that little mischievous glint in Ricky-Rafa's eyes that you can't help but love! He seems quite the charmer and Lucy is darling
At 11:37pm on April 30, 2011, Wes & Meghan said…

Thank you! Your pups are too cute :) Ive recently become obsessed with corgi's, so much personality!

At 12:30am on April 30, 2011, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…

Tennis ball cannon?


At 12:35am on April 29, 2011, John Wolff said…
Some crazy engineer invented an automatic tennis ball cannon/slingshot for dogs. The video was yanked from YouTube; he must've been selling it in violation of their rules. That's what RickiRafa needs. And a clay court so he can track in wet clay mud when it rains.
At 6:30pm on April 28, 2011, Angela Kau-Forsberg said…
Thank you for the compliment. :)  I actually have never owned a corgi.  The closest has been a half corgi half dachshund mix named Trudi.  I just spend way too much time observing them on the internet. :D
At 2:10pm on April 28, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
That would be awesome if you can come, hope to see u guys there, just cover up real good :)
At 10:09am on April 28, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
Hi Wendy - Do you see it on the front page for events? It's going to be at the Garden Grove barking lot off of Westminster and Deodora...Do you know where that is? It's from 12-5 on Sunday. Do you think you can do Sunscreen and a hat or you have to completely stay out of the sun? I'm not fair skinned but even so, I always try to wear sunscreen. I wish my husband would do the same but I think for me, I always do it cause I want to prevent as many wrinkles as I can, hehehe....I did  tanning once and I immediately noticed the roughness and wrinkle-like texture to my skin....So hopefully it's slightlyl cloudy so you can join us....
At 3:54am on April 28, 2011, Kasey, Max, & Zoey said…
Depends on male or female. We are most likely getting a female so I mostly have those names figured out. I picked names like izzy laney Zoey. Names that are kinda cute and sporty like our corgis. I have found that simple names work best for training and as for males I like those unusual non human pet names like moose or trigger haha. I don't know I guess ill have something picked out when I get to meet my little one and see the personality
At 2:30am on April 28, 2011, John Wolff said…
OK, OK, I heard about Rafa Nidal on the sports news again today.
I was confused at first 'cause I thought they were talking about the notorious corgi, not the tennis player.
At 12:11am on April 28, 2011, Denise Gilbert James said…
Hi Wendy, you are so kind. I have not lost any Corgis, but other four legged children I have, so I can lend a helping hand. That is why I joined this group. My male Corgis are 6 and 10, with a 14 year old lab.  So you can see I might need a shoulder to cry on one day.  But I hope not for another 90 years! lol.   But 11 years ago we did loose 2 shelties.
At 9:38pm on April 26, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
Aww I'm sorry to hear that..I'm glad it wasn't life-threatening...
At 7:48pm on April 26, 2011, Jennifer Marie said…

Thank you for your welcome!!

At 7:37pm on April 26, 2011, Mark J Lawrence said…
Emma lies on her back and chews on her toys and frisbee while holding it in her paws, she will also run circles around the car when you ask her if she wants to go for a drive until you open the door. I guess looking at the humans that live with her proves we were meant for each other.
At 5:35pm on April 26, 2011, Mark J Lawrence said…
I always thought Emma was a little off because I never saw a dog sleep on her back with all four in the air or use a shoe as a pillow. Or lay on her belly with the back thrusters all splayed out like she was flying. But the more I see of other Corgi's it must be just a Corgi thing
At 12:12am on April 26, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
You bringing the puppies on Sunday so our puppies can meet?
At 10:20am on April 25, 2011, Amanda said…
Thank you so much for the Easter wishes! Hope you enjoyed your easter! :)
At 3:52pm on April 22, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

Thank you! They are a good group most of the time. haha


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