Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 9:07pm on April 26, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Our anniversary is November 8th which is also Izzy's birthday. I love the pems with tails and am in favor of a docking ban in the US. It will eventually happen since most of Europe already bans it. Sparty has a natural dock and I really like his stub. Izzy has nothing there which is too bad.
At 5:49pm on April 26, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Yes, you are right it will be 35 years for us in November. Sparty was my first corgi. I was raised with beagles and had a golden retriever and a wonderful standard poodle (18 years with him) and loved them all. My husband asked for a smaller dog and that is how we ended up with Sparty . We added Buffy a year later and she passed away too soon so Izzy joined us. I can not imagine another type of dog in our house but we inherited a doberman too. Have you ever had a cardigan? Hmmm, maybe next time. LOL
At 9:05am on April 26, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Thank you! I love wine and think you are really nice too.
At 12:50am on April 20, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ said…
I also think is beautifull^^. Yiruma is my most favorite of all. hes my #! pianist
i love all his piano songs. hes awsome & yes. JJ Lin, Killa- I love his song too
hes chinese & has such a great style & also half pianist writer. he composes all his songs^^, Ill be glad to show you few more other songs that i like. i bet you will like it too! & i also love music^^ cant live without music, i like bob marley too & tons of types of music. im pretty much into anything
starting from classic to techno & pop to hiphop , as long it has a good beat is good for me. U2 was a great band , i like bon jovi songs heheheheh good old times hahaha
anyways . nicely done with your videos. should make more in the future.
i also made a video of lobo playing as usual with his treats, donno why but is funny i enjoy recording him been silly & cute hehehe. c ya!
At 6:40pm on April 19, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ said…
ugh by the way. looking forward to see Lucy's new video^^
At 6:38pm on April 19, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ said…
awww thanks a lot^^
yes, thats Estella, shes Lobo's future girlfriend hehehe^^
they get alone sooooo well. & im so glad to find corgis around where i live
makes me sooo happy. shes such a cutie & so playful,
we just came from the dog's park & we met another corgi. his name was Frank & he was 2 years old, he was such a handsome one. ugh i took many pictures of Lobo & his new friend Frank, im about to upload new pictures here hehe.
anyways, im glad you like the music, wonder which song is your fave^^ hehe
well take care all. hope you guys had a nice day too, we sure did. Lobo is already sleep after a long day, i bet his really tired after all the running he had. well tomorrow is another day & hope to see more corgis. hehehe^^ c y
At 6:32pm on April 19, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ gave Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) a gift
At 11:41pm on April 18, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ said…
Awhhh Lucy is such a cutie =]
i totally love all her pictures & videos. so adorable
well have a nice day. greetings from Lobo & Arlyn
At 12:25pm on April 18, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
I don't :) I encourage members to participate and helping each other first. Geri, Natalie and AJ does a great job in getting the site rolling :) I won't be going to the S.CA. show, may be some other time. Thanks for the slice :) Have a great weekend!
At 6:02am on April 18, 2010, Rachel & Goldie said…
At 2:11am on April 17, 2010, Desert Corgi Pack said…
I watched your vids. Lucy is such a beautiful lady!
At 11:29pm on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
I've never felt especially guilty about buying from a breeder, someone has to take the extra pups that are not shown and it's the good breeders that keep the breed going strong. Having said that, I have also taken in rescue and rehab dogs in the past (before I discovered Corgis) and would again if the situation called for it. To make a long story short, about two years ago we suddenly took in four wiener dog puppies and it was all I could do to convince Debbie (who's a big Doxie fan) that we didn't need quite that many dogs in the house. They eventually wound up in a proper home, I'm glad to say. I'm glad there are people who are devoted to the rescues and people like Sam T. supporting the rescue groups and I do wish there were not so many dogs waiting to be rescued or worse, not getting rescued. Maybe someday we humans will learn to balance it all out properly, at least when it comes to our pets.
At 6:58pm on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
Well, I'm glad we got that sorted out about Phantom and Night Owl's kid. I know Phantom was a real stud but I didn't think he was a switch hitter.

Tim M. has certainly enjoyed great success with his dogs and his dog's kin. I looked around but didn't find a website for Nebriowa Kennel so I could ogle more Corgi pictures. I checked the calendar and there's a chance that Debbie and I might be in SoCal about the time of the PWCCSC Specialty so maybe we could make that. It would be tons of fun to see that many Corgis at once and meet friends, new and old.
At 3:00pm on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
I'm afraid Corgi genealogy is a lot tougher and more involved than the human version. Few humans, apart from sports stars, Hollywood types, and politicians, scatter their genes as prolifically as show dogs do.

So tell us all about those outlaws in your past!
At 1:53pm on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
I think for some breeders there must be some sort of random name generator that they use for dog names. Jean likes to use theme names with her litters. Watson and Tinsel's litter was born at Christmas time so they got Christmas names. Watson's registered name was Noel but he hated it, said it was like calling a guy "Francis" or "Shirly". Whenever I'd call him Noel, just for fun, he'd mutter in Welsh under his breath. Gromit's registered name is Coalbyn's Time for Dreams, he and Night got sleepy names. When we picked up Gromit he was known as "Timer" but we'd already decided to call him Gromit and Jean was good with that.
At 1:39pm on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
Wendy, I used to be a big Phoenix Suns fan back in the Charles Barkley days but lost interest for various reasons after Barkley left. I've pretty much always been a motorsports person, very little to zero interest in stick and ball sports. I've been riding motorcycles for over 40 years now so it's huge part of my life. If I bite the big one tomorrow on a bike it's been a great ride and I have no regrets. I told my wife when I met her "I don't smoke, drink, gamble, do drugs, or consort with women of easy virtue, I just ride motorcycles." When I proposed to Debbie I said "I have little to offer but love, two used Corgis, and free motorcycle rides..."
At 12:58am on April 15, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
It looks like Lucy and Gromit are related through Sandyshire's The Phantom. Cool! Clearly ol' Phantom has had more fun in his retirement than most of us do. I can't see Gromit's connection to Llanfair Night Owl though, but then you clearly seem to be better at navigating the pedigree thing than I am. Do 'splain to me though how you tied Gromit to Llanfair Night Owl, please.

Side story about human pedigrees: My wife is into genealogy and has spent years tracing her family tree. I was only vaguely interested in mine. My family background is Mennonite Brethren (sort of like the Amish) and they are not a very interesting lot. No kings, no dukes, no famous or infamous people there. But I did run across a Mennonite genealogy CD-ROM that I could buy from a Mennonite organization in California so I thought, "What the heck" and ordered it. 850,000 names in it, some were bound to be my ancestors, the Germans are great record keepers. So the CD came, I installed the software, typed in my grandfather's name, and zoink! tree back to 1736 or some such thing. I looked up at my wife, who had been watching very intently, and said "I'm done. Seems like a pretty easy hobby to me."

With so many generations of Corgis and some of them even more prolific than my ancestors (Great Grandpa had 19 kids) tracing the lineage of Gromit is a task better suited to my wife but she busy still tracking down her own people.
At 6:37pm on April 14, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
The judge's comment was hilarious. It could have been made....uh..never mind, I won't bring up past lives.

I noted on the page from 1997 you referenced that Ch Blaizewood Hooray Henry ROM was mentioned. He's back aways in the pedigree for Gromit and was the sire of Ch Sandyshire's The Phantom ROMX who was Gromit's great-great-grand dad.

I was surprised in the judge's critiques that you linked to how detailed the critiques were, I didn't realize that a judge got that specific about the features of the dogs. To me it all seems too subjective but I guess when you've looked at thousands of dogs the little details begin to stand out and be clarified. I can do that sort of thing with pictures, motorcycles, and one or two other things but with Corgis I just go "IT'S A CORGI" and I'm happy.

I find the pedigree thing interesting but my ability to keep it all straight in my head is sadly lacking. I'd never make is as a breeder for that and so many other reasons. The best I can hope for is to track a name or two, some key breeders, and the stumble from link to link ogling pictures of Corgis. There is a topic thread here on MyCorgi about how Corgis used to look; some predictably there were a few strong opinions.

I am glad that there are people like your friend Tim Mathiesen or Jean York who are deeply devoted to improving the breed and keeping the dogs solid and work against turning the Corgi into something it was never meant to be as has happened with some other breeds.
At 4:50pm on April 14, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
I'm glad it's a little easier for you to reply now. I was right clicking on "reply" and then opening the reply in a new browser tab and then peeking at the previous tab to follow what was written. Very cumbersome but a little exploration of links lead to the proper solution.

The little graphic I made was a screen grab edited in PaintShop Pro X2. Anytime you want to save a screen you can hit the PrtScrn key and it captures the whole monitor screen to the Windows clipboard. Then you can past that into an editing program, crop, resize, add text, and do whatever with it and save it as an image file. If you're using a Mac I'm not sure if there is an equivalent to Print Screen.
At 1:46pm on April 14, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
I'm with you on Facebook and especially Twitter. My wife enjoys Facebook so I signed up, poked around a little, "friended" a few people I know, who as it turns out and judging by their lack of activity, don't find Facebook any more interesting than I do. My wife "friended" my son who immediately changed his privacy settings so his step-mom and presumably his dear ol' dad couldn't see all the stuff he's up to. He's 23 and entitled to do what he pleases but I figure if you have to hide it from your parents you shouldn't be doing it anyway. When I was 23 I tried to tell my parents what I was up to (racing motorcycles, flying hang gliders) and they didn't want to hear any of it. LOL

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