Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 10:48pm on February 17, 2010, CorgiTales said…
Thank you for the friend invite!

OMG! I didn't know grapes were toxic to dogs. I'm going to have to look into that...
At 8:25pm on February 17, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Thanks, my Buffy had multiple problems with her back, knees, and liver. It was actually the liver problems that took her at only 6 years. We got Izzy shortly after and have recovered well with the help of the most loving little corgi possible. Tucker was a beautiful guy and lucy is a real cutie!
At 7:21pm on February 17, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Yes. My response was to a funny photo of a corgi with a grape. At the time I was unaware that they are toxic. Lucy has on occasion eaten a grape, as she tends to eat anything that touches the floor, luckily will no ill effects. Dittto with a small slice of onion. We do try to be careful with anything on that toxic list, and with any people food in general.
At 5:41pm on February 17, 2010, John Wolff said…
RE: "Comment by LUCY (owners: jack & wendy) on February 6, 2010 at 8:09pm
that's hilarious. when lucy was a puppy she'd play with grapes forever. but now that she's an adult, it's gone in a split second. i love your corgi! "

Did you get the info that grapes are supposed to be toxic to dogs?
At 12:45pm on February 17, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
Thank you for the invite. Corgis are the best.
At 5:16pm on February 16, 2010, Alice said…
Thank you for joining! I'm just glad so many other people wanted to be a part of a group dedicated to books. I love sharing reviews of books I've read with others. I don't know why but having someone enjoy a book that you love seems somehow rewarding. I also love hearing about books I have not read because I never know what wonderful books I may have overlooked.

I try to create discussion topics to get conversations going but not everyone seems to get into it. My last one about meeting characters was a flop. :) Oh well, I tried.

A lot of people buy their books at Costco or online, that's why bookstores are struggling so much. I understand the convenience of it, but I far prefer to walk into a store filled with books and wander for an hour looking for something new. I can be very lazy, but I'm always up for a trip to the book store. :)
At 4:50pm on February 16, 2010, Darlene Hennessy said…
Next winter you will need to schedule a visit to your daughters, so Lucy can have fun in the snow. I see from your pictures she likes to swim. I know mine like to wade, and am planning to take Gunner and Gracie to a dogpark near us that is on the lake and allows swimming for the dogs.
At 5:10pm on February 15, 2010, LaVerne & Shirley said…
Love the photos. Keep em coming!
At 5:01pm on February 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Hi Lucy ; ) I took a peek at Lorena. How could you ever pick a puppy. They are all sooo cute! I posted a few new pix of Lucy. Unfortunately I take most of them with my iPhone bec. I'm too lazy to get the camera, so they tend to be fuzzy.
At 4:18pm on February 15, 2010, LaVerne & Shirley said…
Hi Ethel! hehe
Nia is Shirley's mom. I fell in love with Nia instantly. Such a pretty face and so sweet. All of Heartbarx dogs are sweehearts. Nothing like being mobbed by smiling I love it. You can see Shirley if you click the "Past Litters" link. Her name was Lorena. I need to post new pics of my girls. Shirley has changed a lot but still so cute it hurts!
I hope you had a great Valentines Day. If it was half as sweet as you are then you had it made.
At 7:25pm on February 14, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Thank you! Too bad we had Lucy neutered. I think she and Max would produce beautiful babies. haha. Just kidding. I actually know nothing about breeding, but somehow I think they would have made a great match!
At 6:40pm on February 13, 2010, Debbie Landrie said…
Your photos are great!!! Your little girl is adorable.
At 3:52pm on February 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Schaferhaus (Sammy Sosa) has been a part of most of my corgis pedigrees. Schaferhaus Yul B, Kappycorn Bach, SuaMah, Pettiwood, Roughhouse and Nebriowa. So if Shirley's Nia's daughter, she's related to Lucy and most of my other corgis. Though all corgi owners are a big family, don't you think?!
At 3:30pm on February 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
LOL, just call me Ethel. We already have a Lucy in the family. Duh! The puppies were on the same page as the 14 mo. sable. Is Shirley pictured in any of the litters on the site?
At 2:19pm on February 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Awww. I just checked out heartbarx photos. I want one, tho' I don't think it will happen this year. Was LaVerne's mom Nia? Your 2 are the prettiest of them all! If we get another corgi, we will probably stay with our breeder, Tim Mathiesen, Nebriowa. He's in Oakland, and although we have to fly, it's a shorter trip for us & we love him and his corgis. However, heartbarx does seem to get mostly tris. I didn't see one r&w in a photo. Our next one will definitely be a tri. I've never had one in all my years of corgis. I don't know if you looked at the photos I posted but I have most of my corgis over 30 years, all red and whites!
At 1:50pm on February 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Thanks for the info. re. your breeders. They are obviously wonderful. My husband and his friend are trying to set up a new TV so I don't dare interrupt and show them your corgi pix. It's serious business. haha. They've been at it for hours so I'm staying out of their way. I don't hear any cursing so that's a good sign! I got a kick out of your posting to your page. See, we were meant to be friends. You have LaVerne and Shirley. We can be Ethel and Lucy! LOL. Glad you didn't mind my goof w. twitter. ; )
At 1:56am on February 13, 2010, LaVerne & Shirley said…
LOL..guess what I just did? I responded to your post by sending it to my page.....that made my day I tell ya....lolol! See? You're not the only one! is what I
" Awwwwww....Im touched you liked the picture enough to want to forward it. That is more than fine with me! :o)
I got my girls from 2 different breeders but they both have Sosa lines. LaVerne came from Onalaska near Olympia WA and Shirley is from Ellensburg WA not far from here. I do believe they are both expecting litters. Here is the website to the breeder in Ellensburg. As shown on the website they do genetic testing which is comforting The girl I got LaVerne from doesnt have a website but I can find her number if you are interested. I think they are taking deposits on the pups. I am very happy with both of my girls. Very smart and sweet dispositions. OH OH! I just checked and they had a litter of pups 4 days ago! 6 boys and 2 girsl! She already has their pictures up!!!
Goodness the video you sent of that tri puppy is so cute. I just watched it again. What a beautiful puppy. His markings are a lot like LaVernes."
At 6:25pm on February 12, 2010, LaVerne & Shirley said…
First of all your sweet post almost brought tears to my eyes. " Corgis make every day valentine's day," So well put. They really do. Such loving creatures and no matter what kind of mood Im in they always make me smile.
Secondly, that video of that pup is adorable! What a beautiful boy. Nothing cuter in the world than a Corgi puppy! Awwwwww
LaVerne and Shirley are from different breeders but they both have Sosa bloodlines. That Sosa....he was a very busy
My girls couldnt be more different. LaVerne is my couch potato and since she was put on a diet she has gained a pound. ( I can ) I like to describe Shirley as a drop of water on a hot skillet. She goes 100 mph till she fizzles out and takes a nap just long enough to get geared up for the next round. She is a bundle of energy.
I loved what you said about Lucy trying to rest. "When I went to talk and disturb her she stuck the little tip out. I swear she does it to say "leave me alone, I'm resting." ' I can just see LaVerne does that too!
At 5:15pm on February 12, 2010, LaVerne & Shirley said…
LOL....I think Ive done that before. Ive accepted friend requests only to find it didnt go thru before too. Maybe a glitch but more than likely the glitch is on my
Looking at your pictures makes me want a red and white too! I was looking for a red and white when I found Shirley and my husband fell in love with her and told me to get her. He didnt have to tell me twice!
They have become fast friends ( sometimes ) and I cant imagine life without them. They keep me pretty busy. LaVerne is in Rally Obedience class and Shirley is learning agility. Its been fun! Corgis are so incredibly smart!
At 4:27pm on February 12, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Some of the corgis in the photos were Lucy's predecessors. I've always had corgis, but never had a tri. I am thinking about getting a tri now. I just don't know how Lucy will react to a puppy. She's been our princess for 4 years and isn't crazy about dogs. She has a few in the neighborhood that she really likes. The rest she seems to just tolerate, or barely tolerate! haha.

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