Priscilla Fernandez's Comments

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At 11:12pm on January 21, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Accept with pleasure!
At 2:24am on January 15, 2011, Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser said…
Actually funny you should mention that. Bowser is like almost identical in size. He also still has puppy size head too. Im sure its because they are still puppies, i was told they would reach full growth potential until they are 1 and a half. Not sure if that is true but he is definitely filling out in the body area.
At 1:43pm on January 12, 2011, Renee and Lacey gave Priscilla Fernandez a gift
Happy New Year (2 weeks late) to all corgis and their admirers from Renee and Lacey.
At 4:31am on January 11, 2011, Lisa, Huey & Milo said…

We didn't really have a plan for Big Bear. Highway 330 collapsed a not to long before our trip, so we took the 38 up and just pulled over at a turn out when we saw a good place to play.  Afterward we drove through town, had lunch, then drove back on the 18.  I did see a few spots in town that looked better than where we pulled off, but I couldn't tell you where they were...just noticed them as we drove by.  You shouldn't have a problem finding a place.

Also, the day we went up they were stopping traffic and requiring chains or 4x.

Have fun, she will love it!


At 5:45am on January 4, 2011, Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser said…
Bowser says Happy New Years SISTER! =D Hope Q is doing swell.
At 7:22pm on December 31, 2010, Lisa, Huey & Milo said…

Nice meeting you today!

At 1:38pm on December 30, 2010, Lisa, Huey & Milo said…
Yes, Friday works for us!
At 11:15am on November 12, 2010, Whitney McGillicuddy said…
toast is on the right! He shares a father with your Quixote! His sire is Gilby, but i forget who the mother is. Your corgi is gorgeous! its so fun see what Toast might look lik when he grows up! We are picking him up from Kim in two weeks :)
At 1:23pm on November 11, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
Hi Guys!!! hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!!
At 2:46am on October 30, 2010, Miri, Bailey and Cali said…
What a cutie Quixote is...he looks a lot like Gilby...He'll be one handsome little man when he is all grown up :-)
At 8:52am on October 27, 2010, Marion and Vern said…
Priscilla, how is everything going? We got our newest addition Bomber and well at first things were a little bumpy to say the least. After all it is a big adjustment for Sami, she was the only baby for 17 months then BAM baby. I believe the 3 day car ride back home helped, as they were in the back seat together. From then on it has gotten better and better each day. The difference in personalities is amazing to watch. Bomber is the opposite of Samantha in so many ways.
Your pictures are wonderful 58 & 59 are among my favorites. Although 62-68 looks a lot like Bomber! Well have to get to work but wanted to update you on adding the second pup, it has been great for everyone.
At 5:57pm on October 23, 2010, Steve said…
Oh, definitely! We haven't gone to the park as regularly lately but it's fun to meet up with lots of corgis. There's one corgi who looks just like Steve (size, color, build) so I found myself calling the wrong one few Once the ground is not so soggy we'll be visiting the park. See you there!
At 10:54am on October 14, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
What a cute corgi!! Edward loves the vacuum too!!!
At 11:44am on October 13, 2010, Michelle said…
Aw thank you! And we'd love to meet you and Quixote one day too! :]
At 9:13am on October 12, 2010, Lisa & Tia said…
I found the name of the breeder. We got her 5 years ago, so don't know if all the info. is still current. Bradi McMichael 580-367-9836. They live in Cado, OK
At 9:09pm on October 11, 2010, Lisa & Tia said…
TIA is a from a breeder. She lives in Oklahoma but we no longer have the name. You have a beautiful dog too. :)
At 9:19pm on October 7, 2010, carrie eisenman said…
Awww! thank you ! I love my corgis they are so fun!
At 3:54am on October 4, 2010, Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser said…
Interestingly enough i cant tell if he has adult teeth or puppy teeth. Maybe i can have a Vet tell us since we also do not know how much he weighs.
At 3:52am on October 4, 2010, Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser said…
Hey Priscilla =D, So every trick was taught to Bowser by me and my GF. Pretty much we would train him 1 trick a week, then add in tricks hes learned in the passed weeks. Also if we have guests over we ask they also request him do tricks before they hand him a treat just so he recognizes that he should always be doing a trick for a treat even from strangers. It usually requires 1 night of molding the trick, and the 2nd day to get him to recognize the handsignal.
At 3:06pm on October 3, 2010, Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser said…
Aww Q is starting to lose her cap too. Bowser is losing his Black cap color and his hind leg and near his rib black fur. Its turning brown.

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