Daniel & Ein!'s Comments

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At 12:52am on April 5, 2010, Katelyn said…
You're corgi is cute! Love the name! Cowboy bebop is cool! Praise the lord for both corgi's an anime! lol =) Have a good one!
At 9:23pm on January 29, 2010, Buddha said…
I am glad you had the good sense to google it! Saved yourself a couple hundred bucks and a corgi!
At 1:01pm on January 29, 2010, Paula Hess said…
Quinn was diagnosed with asspiration pneumonia and died from a pulmonary edema. it was 3 long days of trying to get him to breathe. He died at the vets office. He was there to be put on oxygen and I had all hopes of picking him up the next day. I was so heartbroken, he was my soul mate who helped me through some of the toughest times of my life. I then found a breeder that had his genetic bloodlines and I put a deposit on a puppy that cost as much as a car. The entire litter perished! Once again...heartbroken! I was about to give up, but, knowing that I wouls always have a samoyed in my life I found another puppy! I got him the day after Thanksgiving, his name is Marshal-Mallow. He is a real handful. Smart dogs are always a handful. Desiree's corgi, Wookie has had an aggression issue that has escalated to the point that he is so unpredictable. He has to be medically treated and goes to MD on Monday for evaluations. He ripped the nostril off of Mallow. He ripped into Chloe, our Australian sheperd 2 days in a row. Sometimes he can go for weeks without an episode. He has to be physically removed or he would not stop. He has the potential to kill. Once he is removed...he submits on his back and looks at you like he has no idea what has just happened. He will be on meds for the duration of his life. AAAARRRgggHHh!!! I am seriously drained and need some peace in my life.
As, far as chicks go....I can honestly say...Thank God, I dont have to date one!!! You will find the right one some day and you will be happy. If you are not happy...you didnt find the right one. Good Luck!
At 10:36am on January 29, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
Hey Daniel and Ein! We're doing pretty good, trying to stay warm here, it's -7F in Toronto. The dogs are adjusting well to the new environment and they fine in the snow :)
At 10:34am on January 21, 2010, Paula Hess said…
Happy belated Holidays to you too! All the girls at Rockwell's thought you were so cute.
At 6:03pm on September 7, 2009, Paula Hess said…
BTW...Where did you get Ein and how old is he now? We got Wookie from a Menonite farm in New Holland last year.
At 1:21am on September 7, 2009, Paula Hess said…
I hear you met my daughter, Desiree. I hope you enjoyed your time at Rockwell's. Your server Sarah, is a very good friend of mine.I am glad she was your server. Keep in touch.
At 9:52am on September 6, 2009, Deanna said…
At 11:30am on September 5, 2009, Paula Hess said…
If you stop by on Sunday...my daughter will be working on the deck. You can ask for her. She loves corgi's. Wookie was her 24th birthday present. Her name is Desiree.
At 11:28am on September 5, 2009, Paula Hess said…
yeah!!! Stop by tonight! I work the deck....ask for my section. Really hope to see you!
At 12:17pm on May 19, 2009, David said…
Hi! Daniel, it is good to see a Corgi and Cowboy Bebop fan!
At 11:31am on April 24, 2009, Paula Hess said…
Better late than never. If you are interested in getting some corgi playtime let me know. I work at TJ Rockwell's in E-town, if you are ever in for dinner ask for Paula. We have great food and a huge deck as well. Would be super to meet a fellow cogi fan.
At 10:40am on April 24, 2009, Christiane said…
Thanks, you guys are adorable! Corgis make the best friends, and they are very photogenic! Love what you've done with your place, your graphic design is awesome. :)
Christiane & Teggie
At 3:55am on February 9, 2009, Dave said…
O~~~~~~~~~~~~ cute
At 1:00am on November 25, 2008, Paula Hess said…
Hey Daniel did you move to NYC yet? We are from Elizabethtown. Wookie came from New Holland.
At 10:27am on November 6, 2008, Alicia said…
Welcome to the Corgi's of Christians group Daniel and Ein!!!!! We have a 6 wk old new puppy. Isn't it fun???? They're in to everything. I just had to pull Chloe out from under the couch because she got stuck under there when she fled in fear of the vacuum. Well, have a Blessed DAY!!!
At 8:52pm on November 5, 2008, Bailey said…
Thank you!!! Bailey thinks your Ein is handsome haha
At 8:23pm on November 5, 2008, Bailey said…
Hi Daniel and Ein! Well, Bailey is definitely an active dog as well and the only way I can get her to calm down is to go on REALLY long walks haha When we get back she just falls asleep, so that seems to work really well!
At 8:24pm on August 25, 2008, Alla said…
Daniel, by the way, do you watch "Dog Whisperer" with Caesar Milan? (National Geographic Channel). He shows how the owner should become "a leader of the pack" - the dog's leader, and how to fight bad habits. I think, you can find some good advice there.
Good luck!
At 4:21pm on August 25, 2008, Alla said…
Hi Daniel! Glad to see one more fellow graphic designer - corgi owner. Your Ein is just the cutest!
I think his hyper-activity is just his personality, and may be, age. When I was picking up a puppy, I opted for a more laid-back one. Me and my husband work full-time, so we knew we would not give him much attention during the day. So, I can only give a little piece of advice (not sure it's gonna work for you)

With Chalie, I walk a lot when I can. We even do some jogging along the townhouses where I live. So, we just jog till he drops :). Like 20-30 minutes or so. He can do that even at his age.

At home, I teach him tricks for some time, and then I give him toys like water bottle with some treats inside (CorgiMama's advice). It entertains him for some time - to get the treats out.

Also, when I see that he is tired and restless (but cannot get to sleep), I just give him a kong with some peanut butter inside, and put him to his crate. And I go to some other room. When I am back in 20 minutes or so, he is usually sleeping. If not, I just open the crate and let him go.

I hope that helps a little!

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