Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Comments

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At 12:41am on April 11, 2012, Melissa and Franklin! said…

Thank you! When I saw it I laughed out loud. Had to share :-D

At 1:59am on March 31, 2012, Shippo & Koga Corgis said…

Hello! I haven't been on here in ages!  Back then, you were just called Natalie & Lance! We used to talk on chat for a while before I became scarce, and I was just wondering if you remembered me and Shippo. =)  Also, the music on your profile rocks! =D

At 12:38am on March 23, 2012, Lauren Connery said…

Hello! Ok, so here's how it started. Around November I noticed she had a red welt on her left ear and the vet said it looked like she was stung by something. So she gave her steroids to bring down the inflammation. By that time, it was already hurting her and I could tell the inside of her other ear was starting to look swollen. Well, the steroids made her go cushinoid and she started drinking/panting a ton and gained about 8 pounds in 3 days. Luckily that was only temporary and she dropped the weight once we stopped the steroids. But then her ears both got worse. To me, they look like swollen glands at the base of her inner ear. The ears themselves are now shriveled-looking and have flopped over. They're painful for her but all the vet was able to prescribe was metacam (pain killer) and told me to take her to a dermatologist last week. After going through so much with this, I really find a hard time believing it's dermatological. I'm going to have to just take her to a second vet, but I was really hoping to have some sort of idea of what was going on, and I just can't find anything anywhere. 

At 3:41pm on March 22, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

Hello back. I'm sorry I haven't been on here that much. I hop on for a bit and then I'm off and running. Worrking really long days at work and working Saturday's, so that doesn't leave much fun time. Noodles is doing well and is currently enjoying our spring snow storm that hit us. My flowers aren't happy, but Noodles is having a blast. We went jogging yesterday and then we took turns chasing each other in the snow down at the park and I threw snowballs for him. It snowed more last night, so this morning on our jog, he got to basically hop through the snow because it was too deep for him. I think he might be the only "person" enjoying this snow. How is everyone doing, including the boys?

At 6:13pm on March 20, 2012, Jane Christensen said…

Thanks for asking Natalie. Wynn is doing well and even though he doesn't like me doing the back rubs on his bad part of the spine he doesn't show any symptoms of his back hurting or lameness:)

At 1:30pm on March 10, 2012, Scott+Nicola+Brody said…

Thanks! Are you able to see the post it's

sometimes im not sure if people see them or not.. :P 

At 12:42am on March 7, 2012, Zigward & Kimberly said…

Congratulations on the hitting the year mark since Tucker joined your family! That's crazy!:) I can't wait to brag about the year mark! Lol

At 8:13pm on March 3, 2012, Paul, Carrie and Orion said…

Thanks for the welcome! Day 1 has been great, he slept all through his first night and has been so much fun today. Eat, bathroom, play, sleep repeat! haha

At 5:13am on March 3, 2012, Gareth Rees said…

Hi thanks for your kind welcome, I've uploaded some pictures of Jack and Max

At 11:45pm on February 29, 2012, Teddy the Pooh said…

Hi Natalie! Thanks so much for your welcome. :) I've been roaming around this site to learn more about corgis, different breeders, and what to expect. I hope to find one soon! :D

At 4:00pm on February 14, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

That is wonderful to hear about Lance. Yeah! You can always use a bright spot like that, right? I'm sure Lance is glad he is feeling better in order to play with his brother. Nothing like brotherly love, right?

Noodles and I are doing well. I can't believe my baby will turn 7 in June. I've received 2 compliments just this past week that they couldn't believe he was 6.5 because he looked so skinny and young (yeah!). I still haven't made the appointment to get Noodles teeth cleaned. I work up the nerve to call and then I don't. Noodles had all his shots updated the end of December, so he is fine with them. I want to get bloodwork done to make sure he is okay before I agree to the cleaning though. I was curious to know if Tucker had his done because I was going to ask you how it went. Well, which ever of us gets it done first, we will have to tell the other.

Happy Valentine's day to all of you!

At 6:42pm on February 13, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

I haven't heard from you in ages. How are you all doing? How is Lance doing? I miss hearing about your boys, but I'm sure you are all very busy.

At 11:44pm on January 30, 2012, Sidney and Angie said…

awwwwwwwwww,they are so cute!

may i add you and your corgis of course as a friend?

At 3:28pm on January 25, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

We did print out the Christmas card family picture and that is hanging up right before you go downstairs. I loved the picture and the colors turned out well. Noodles has an orange bandana, but my husband wouldn't allow him to favor one team over the other, so Noods had to wear his black and white one. He is a Beaver at heart though since he is a mama's boy. Our snow is all gone, but Noodles is happy no more slush. We are just dealing with tons of rain and that means flooding. Yuck!

At 1:45am on January 23, 2012, nathanuelw said…

Thank you for the warm welcome :)

At 8:44am on January 19, 2012, Tara Braas said…

Thanks for the welcome. Your Tucker is pretty cute, too!

At 5:24pm on January 18, 2012, Joanne Koppenaal said…

Hi Natalie,got your message about your parent's. I do have friends on My Corgi from Murrel's Inlet around the corner from Pawley's Island . There name is Jeff and Jacci they are retired and have two corgi's a boy and girl. Look them up ,I sent them a message but not active lately. Maybe you can message them by e-mail? Dogs are allowed on the beach there especially now before beach season!

At 3:35pm on January 18, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

I can't seem to upload the snow picture to my page here at work, but I'll put it in this comment. We still have this much snow after it had been raining cats and dogs for over 6 hours (taken yesterday). Everything is still covered, including the streets and we've had heavy rain and wind now for 12 hours. Apparently we got quite a bit for us. Oh, you will die laughing. Noodles hates the slush. He found himself in the middle of a big slushy mess, froze and looked up at me for help. I had to go in that slushy mess and carry him over to the snow. He also avoided walking in it and if he had to, he walked very slowly lifting only one paw at a time. Too funny!

At 11:20am on January 18, 2012, Sarah Fritz said…

thank you :) gladys is my corgi and the chocolate lab is her buddy, memphis. we got him on father's day 2 years ago.

At 3:27pm on January 17, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

We got more snow last night and Noods had a blast running in it this morning on our morning jog. When my husband and I left for work, we had 2 inches and it was coming down like crazy. Per our weather guessers, we might get another 2 inches tonight. Noodles is loving it. You can just tell he is having a blast. When we went jogging last night, his tongue was flapping around and his eyes get this bright look to them. He is too cute! I'm hoping we still have some by the time we go home, so Noodles can play in it. I did make snowballs for him this morning to catch. If I remember, I'll try and get some pictures of Noodles in the snow.

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